[liberationtech] repress wordpress plugin

Sacha van Geffen sacha at greenhost.nl
Thu Jan 19 08:19:16 PST 2012

On 01/19/12 16:32, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) wrote:

> Your approach is very cool!

> We should probably consider:
> - how to allow people in censored countries to find free proxy?
> How a chinese guy would find that proxy and start using it?
That is an interesting question, it should not be too easy to find
(thaat would make blocking too easy to) but also not too hard. For now
manual propagation is the tool to use ;) but i would appreciate any
feedback on this.

> - how to avoid to get the free-proxy get easily blacklisted by governments?
> For example if the webapp get diffused (inshalla!), but it have a unique
> name (ex: repress.php) with identifiable URL parameters, then repressive
> government would censor it very easily.
At this moment the proxy is limited to a list of sites you add to it (a
default small list is included) on the settings page.
A setting to extend this to all sites will be added in the future (after
more code and security reviews)

If you browse to yoursite.org/[repress permalink]/ a list will be shown
of sites that are made available through the proxy.

so this can be changed on a per install basis. also if you use https the
url is not sent in the clear, so it cannot be filtered.

> There was a discussion about having Tor Bridge TCP Forwarder concept
> available as a Wordpress plug-in for the same reason (a lot of
> installations and almost zero maintenance):
> https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2012-January/022797.html

that is also an interesting idea

> -naif
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