[liberationtech] Calling all Computer Wizards at Stanford

John Graham-Cumming jgc at jgc.org
Tue Jan 17 13:49:35 PST 2012

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 20:28, Brian Conley <brianc at smallworldnews.tv>wrote:

> concerning the comment by Mr Graham-Cumming suggesting Cloudflare, I can
> say that we use cloudflare on our sites and that seems to be fairly
> effective at detering attacks, however I myself am concerned that it is
> also effective at limiting/preventing access to the site by users in
> countries prone to botnets, spam attacks, and viruses, because their
> computers are, rightly or wrongly (in many cases rightly), seen as a threat
> due to bad behavior and their IP address being previously blocked due to
> virus activity, etc.

You can totally disable that functionality in CloudFlare so that you get
the DDoS protection but not the behavior you are mentioning.


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