[liberationtech] Calling all Computer Wizards at Stanford

John Graham-Cumming jgrahamc at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 11:47:50 PST 2012


One thing to consider once you get this going is to put it behind CloudFlare (which is free) as it can hide the real IP address of the server and give you DDoS protection. 

Sent from mobile device. Please excuse brevity and strange typos.

On 17 Jan 2012, at 18:09, Emad Mekay <emekay at stanford.edu> wrote:

> My name is Emad Mekay. I am an Arab journalist here at Stanford as a Knight Journalism Fellow. I am looking for urgent technical help from volunteers, who believe in the right to information and transparency, to help us do some quick Website development on a Wikileaks project. 
> America In Arabic News Agency, the project I am working on here, needs urgent help to set up a website where we could give free access to the public to translated Wikileaks documents related to Egypt and later on the rest of the Arab countries. We did some stories based on Wikileaks documents that revealed secrete meetings between some activist and pubic figures and U.S. officials. Some of them were getting U.S. government funding. They are now threatening us for revealing that relationship. 
> We need the site up today or tomorrow. We are already using a private Wordpress site that needs some tweaking and help to make it look more professional and not amateurish. The features should include good protection, sending mails to readers, the option to pass-word protect stories and to later list the Wikileaks documents. 
> We have put some stories out along with both the original leaked documents and the Arabic translation but were met with a campaign of intimidation in Egypt by very powerful people including from the wife of a former presidential candidate, a publisher, a presidential candidate and a member of the current parliament among others. Experience with wordpress would be great. Journalists in Egypt have been unable to make full use of the documents because of the intimidation campaign. Some suggested Wordpress but we are so busy with writing and translating and need someone to devote two or three hours or a total of 10 hours with the site as well. 
> This is a time to help and push for greater transparency no matter what who the powerful people are. This is very very urgent and confidential. 
> Emad 
> -- 
> Emad Mekay
> John S. Knight Journalism Fellow
> Knight Fellowship
> Department of Communication
> Stanford University
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