[liberationtech] OWS Tech Ops Newsletter

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Jan 14 10:53:37 PST 2012


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Judd <david.a.judd at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 4:19 AM
Subject: OWS Tech Ops Newsletter


This is the first edition of an Occupy Wall Street Tech Ops newsletter,
which we hope to put out every week or two. We hope that this will be
friendlier to the uninitiated than the high-traffic listservs, IRC and
nycga.net <http://goog_1466857899> forum <http://www.nycga.net/groups/tech/>,
and will provide clear information on how you can help.

In this issue:

   - Get involved! How you can help OWS Tech Ops
   - Mass email & advocacy with Salsa
   - Tech Ops Blog
   - Tech Ops on Twitter
   - Meeting schedule reminder
   - Feedback request

*Get involved! How you can help OWS Tech Ops*

   - *nycga.net* is looking for Wordpress and Buddypress developers,
   specifically those with experience building and editing plugins.
   nycga.net is currently the main site used by working groups in NYC to
   coordinate their activity, with forums, blogs, an event calendar, document
   hosting, and much more. See http://wiki.occupy.net/wiki/NYCGA.net.

   - *Permabank* is looking for Python/Django developers and could also use
   web designers. Permabank is an alpha-stage project which, in the short
   term, will help match gifts/donations and wishes/needs, and in the long
   term, will be a platform for experimenting with alternative ways of running
   an economy. See http://wiki.occupy.net/wiki/PermaBank.

   - *CiviCRM*: Tech Ops is working on making this open source "Constituent
   Relationship Manager" tool available to all of OWS, and needs help from
   people with Civi development, configuration, or power user experience. We
   are working with a number of working groups and other occupations to create
   a tool we can all use and that is consistent with our founding principles
   as a movement. See http://wiki.occupy.net/wiki/Occupy.net_CRM

   - *OccupyWallStreet.net* could use your help if you (a) have experience
   in online news and journalism; or (b) have experience with Drupal sites
   containing many videos and images. OccupyWallStreet.net is intended to be
   the public-facing voice of the GA at Liberty Plaza. See

   - *news.occupy.net* would benefit from a Drupal themer, ideally someone
   familiar with the Managing News installation profile.
news.occupy.netcollects news feeds from occupations around the world.

   - *wiki.occupy.net*: Help keep the Occupy Wiki organized! Edits need
   reviewing and we need to develop site structure as content evolves (for
   example, we just started getting Spanish submissions). Familiarity with
   MediaWiki (eg Wikipedia) would be useful, but it's not hard to learn. If
   you're passionate about documentation or library science, this is for you.
   See the documentation on the Wiki itself at

   - *projects.occupy.net* would benefit from a Redmine-experienced admin
   to lightly manage it, and maybe research or advise on plugins and project
   setup (trackers, categories, queries).

   - *Project management*: If you have experience as a project manager or
   product manager for an agile development team, almost any of our projects
   could use you.

   - *Volunteer outreach*: Follow up with individual volunteers & projects
   to match people to where they're needed. No specific technical skills are
   required, but comfort talking tech would be a plus.

*Mass email and advocacy with Salsa*

Anyone interested in using a free CRM, mass email and advocacy tool right
away - Salsa - can have access and training now. This tool does not need
development, and is available to all working groups. Contact clenchner at
organizing20.org to get access.

*Tech Ops Blog*

We've started actively using the http://tech.nycga.net blog. As well as
reports on Tech Ops activity, the blog is hosting some great discussions on
the challenges facing the working group and the movement as a whole. Don't
miss "Three Complaints About OWS" and the discussion in comments:

*Tech Ops on Twitter*

You can now keep up with Tech Ops on Twitter at @OWS_Tech.

*Meeting Schedule Reminder*

Tech Ops meets every Sunday and Wednesday at 6pm at the 60 Wall Street
Atrium (usually in the back left corner if you're coming in from Wall
Street). Our event schedule is online at

Please be aware that the location of the meeting can change! Please verify
the location on the day of to see if it has changed.

If you have any feedback, positive or negative, please let us
know.Suggestions on what should go in the newsletter, and other ways
we can
communicate better, are especially welcome.
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