[liberationtech] Crowd wisdom in the service of the government

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Sat Jan 14 06:03:47 PST 2012

I'd ask this question on the Democracies Online Exchange:

(It has 700+ people interested in gov/civil society use of tech for
democratic good.)

And if local in scope, also try the CityCamp Exchange:

Steven Clift
clift at e-democracy.org  - +1 612 234 7072
http://stevenclift.com - @democracy
On Jan 14, 2012 4:21 AM, "Tarik Nesh-Nash" <tarikn at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Thanks a lot for your feedback and examples.
> I wanted to come back to you and I ask a more detailed question.
> I am researching on how my government can use collective intelligence (or
> the wisdom of the crowd) to "better" function in general. I am more
> thinking of a platform where the government raises questions/problems, and
> asks the citizens for proposals and feedback.
> This is different from grassroot (or civil society) initiatives to use
> crowdsourcing, as this would be used by the government itself.
> Also, the question may be general or specific, but it is asked by the
> government.
> Are there similar initiatives that you may know of?
> Thanks,
> Tarik
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