[liberationtech] Kickstarter Expects To Provide More Funding To The Arts Than NEA

Jillian C. York jilliancyork at gmail.com
Wed Feb 29 17:42:43 PST 2012

The headline clearly says "Kickstarter *Expects To* Provide More Funding To
The Arts Than NEA" (bold is mine)

I don't see what's misleading about that.  Sounds pretty clearly like a
prediction to me.

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Lilly Irani <lilly.irani at gmail.com> wrote:

> Also, if you read the article, the quote is actually:
> “It is probable Kickstarter will distribute more money this year than the
> NEA,”
> So 1) this is a prediction 2) this is across all sectors (including fun
> tea strainers and coffee cozies), not just the arts
> The headline for the piece, repeated in the subject line, is misleading
> Kickstarter is really amazing, but we need the facts straight.
> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Lina Srivastava <lina at linasrivastava.com>wrote:
>> Sorry for the late reply, but inasmuch as the NEA has lately been showing
>> interest in innovations in media beyond film and television, into
>> transmedia, serious games and educational games, and new media platforms
>> for storyteling, journalism, and social networking, this might be of
>> interest to some people on this list: Last month, I was on a review panel
>> for the NEA Arts in Media grant cycle. I work at the intersection of
>> culture, art, medis, technology, and activism, and they invited me on the
>> panel primarily due to my work in transmedia design. The applications I saw
>> weren't as staid as I had expected or feared, and some were rather
>> technologically innovative, even including some aimed specifically at
>> social benefit projects. I don't know what will eventually be funded, but I
>> was heartened to see what American artists are creating and the dorection
>> towards innovation the NEA is taking-- and I thought some American libtech
>> projects incorporating creative and cultural elements might actually be a
>> good fit in the NEA portfolio, whether for individual grant support or
>> through their support of networks of organizations. The main thrust of the
>> grants is still for artistic/cultural merit and excellence but the NEA
>> seems to be expanding its scope of what constitutes art and culture, so I'd
>> encourage some of you on this list to learn a bit more about its grant
>> making and organizational support, and think about applying. I'd also
>> encourage you think about advocating for the agency's continued health. As
>> a country, we kind of need them.  To get back to David's original
>> point, Kickstarter, indieGoGo, and other crowdfunding platforms have been a
>> huge benefit to the creative communities, but it's a shame we've defunded
>> the NEA to the level that its annual budget approximates the daily budget
>> of the DoD. We still need a robust NEA for its support of small arts and
>> cultural organizations, and its support of free cultural expression.
>> On Friday, February 24, 2012, David Johnson wrote:
>>> Amazing news ...
>>> http://idealab.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/02/kickstarter-expects-to-provide-more-funding-to-the-arts-than-nea.php
>>> --
>>> David V. Johnson
>>> Web Editor
>>> Boston Review
>>> Website: http://www.bostonreview.net
>>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/BostonReview
>>> Tumblr: http://bostonreview.tumblr.com
>>> Mailing Address:
>>> San Francisco Writers' Grotto
>>> 490 2nd Street, 2nd Fl.
>>> San Francisco, CA 94107
>>> Cell: (917)903-3706
>> --
>> Lina Srivastava
>> --
>> linasrivastava.com  |  twitter <http://twitter.com/lksriv>  |  linkedin<http://www.linkedin.com/in/linasrivastava>
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> Lilly Irani
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"We must not be afraid of dreaming the seemingly impossible if we want the
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