[liberationtech] TEDxNewWallStreet: Re-imagining Banking Built in Silicon Valley for Info Age (March 11)

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Feb 29 09:41:20 PST 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bruce Cahan <bcahan at urbanlogic.org>
Date: Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 5:37 AM
Subject: TEDxNewWallStreet - March 11th - Re-imagining Banking Built in
Silicon Valley for the Information Age

Hi Dean Kramer (Larry):

On Sunday March 11th, I am convening TEDxNewWallStreet at the Computer
History Museum to re-imagine banking built in Silicon Valley for the
Information Age.  Our press release and e-flyer are attached.

It would be fantastic if you could get the word out to Stanford Law,
Computer Science  and other students, faculty and local alumni that this
will be an important event, as it kicks off a new approach to shedding
banking from the Industrial Age and encourages Silicon Valley become the
New Wall Street.

I hope to see Stanford represented on March 11th, as many Stanford students
and faculty have inspired me to ask what Stanford and Silicon Valley could
and should do to re-imagine and co-create an adaptive, fair, transparent
and accountable banking system. Student tickets at $50 apiece are still
available so as to bring their ideas into our audience.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

All the best,


  Bruce Cahan
Cell: (212) 399-9700
bcahan at urbanlogic.org
Skype:  bbcesq
Twitter: brucecahan

Ashoka Fellow - Social Investment Entrepreneur
Stanford University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering -
Visiting Scholar (2011)
Stanford University Center for Computers and Law - CodeX Fellow (2010)
Stanford University Center for Internet & Society – Non-Residential Fellow
President - Urban Logic ® (A NY nonprofit, qualified in CA)
Profile - http://www.google.com/profiles/brucebcahan
Curator/Convener – TEDxNewWallStreet x = an independently organized
TED event http://www.ted.com/tedx/events/779

Read more about GoodBank™(IO) our ethical/high-transparency bank project:
•    Fast Company http://bit.ly/GoodBankinFastCompany
•    Federal Reserve Bank of SF Community Development Investment Review
•    GoodBank Project website http://www.goodbank.info/w
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