[liberationtech] LIVE WEBCAST of a series of ICT learning events at World Bank on February 29 and March 1, 2012
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Tue Feb 28 18:33:59 PST 2012
*Please join us for the learning sessions as part of the ICT Learning Days
at World Bank on February 29 and March 1 !*
ICT Learning Days will include a series of learning events focusing on
different aspects of using ICT for development in various sectors and
regions, including universal broadband service in rural Saudi Arabia;
mobile applications for agricultural and rural development; mobile money;
ICT procurement; transformational potential of ICT for opening development;
and the role of eID within e-government strategies.
*When: *February 29 and March 1
*Venue in Washington: *World Bank J Building, Room J B1-080, 701 18th
Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006
*Live webcast: *
http://streaming7.worldbank.org/vvflash/extlive3 (Flash)
mms://wbmswebcast1.worldbank.org/external-3 (Windows Media - PC)
http://wbmswebcast5.worldbank.org:1935/live/myStream3/playlist.m3u8 (Apple
- Mac)
rtsp://wbmswebcast5.worldbank.org:1935/live/myStream3 (Blackberry)
*Submit your comments and questions via our Chat Room (via Adobe Connect) *@
*Social Media Hashtag: *#OpenDTA
*Web: *http://go.worldbank.org/G4NMZDO350
*You can register* for participation in Washington D.C. by sending an email
to edevelopment at worldbank.org (please mention the session you would like to
participate in). If you are World Bank staff, please register through LMS
by clicking the link under the respective session at
http://go.worldbank.org/G4NMZDO350. No registration is needed to watch live
*Detailed description:*
*February 29, 08:00 - 09:30 am Washington time*
*Universal Broadband Service in Rural Saudi Arabia: Innovations by USF &
Operators Close the Access Gap*
Saudi Arabia had the leading mobile and computer penetration in the Gulf
region, while quality of service and Internet penetration were low. The
focus of its universal service and access program was placed on improving
service quality and providing universal broadband. With complementary
regulatory measures, such as favourable frequencies, the program offers
interesting lessons.
Moderator: Doyle Gallegos, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, World Bank
Speaker: Andrew Dymond, Managing Director of Intelecon
*February 29, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Washington time*
*Mobile Applications for Agricultural and Rural Development*
Focus on a recent study which describes global research on mobile
applications addressing rural development issues. 92 applications were
categorized and analyzed and country case studies document leading
applications in Kenya, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. The study describes
various business models in the context of the mobile ecosystem in
developing countries, and lessons are drawn for measures to support
development of a viable mobile application ecosystem.
Moderator: Tim Kelly, Sr. ICT Policy Specialist, World Bank
Speaker: Steve Esselaar, Sr. Consultant, Intelecon
*February 29, 12:30 - 14:00 Washington time*
*Mobile Money: How to Assess m-Money Opportunities and Why you can't
Replicate Kenya's MP*
The Four Country Mobile Money Study was commissioned by the IFC and it was
designed to increase the understanding of mobile money and to help address
key issues such as scaling up and replicability. The study looks at the
ecosystem requirements and the business models used by mobile network
operators, banks, and others in four developing countries—Brazil, Nigeria,
Sri Lanka, and Thailand. It compares these countries with Kenya and Japan,
which have successfully developed mobile money operations, and with the
United States.
Speaker: Sonja Oestmann, Universal Access, Policy and Broadband Specialist
*February 29, 14:30 - 16:00 Washington time*
*A Pan-African Perspective Towards ICT Sustainability in Africa*
Creating and supporting a Pan-African community of competent,
internationally certified IT professionals focused on developing the IT
tools for African Agriculture, Business, Education, Health Care, Government
and general Social needs.
Session Lead: Samia Melhem, Sr. Operations Officer, ICT Sector Unit, World
Amadou Daffe, CEO, Coders4Africa
Kwame Andah, Director of Marketing Communication, Coders4Africa
Ibrahim Cisse, Director of Technology, Coders4Africa
Ellwood Kerkeslager, CEO Information Futures
*March 1, 08:00 - 09:30am Washington time*
*How Could Computing and Low cost internet devices make global e-commerce
viable for SMEs in developing countries Cloud Computing*
Moderator: Samia Melhem, Sr. Operations Officer, ICT Sector Unit, World
Speaker: Gurcharan Singh, Sr. Procurement Specialist, World Bank
*March 1, 10:00 - 12:00 *
*Open, smart and Inclusive Development: Can ICT Transform Development?*
ICT is diffusing rapidly across the globe, yet its revolutionary potential
for development is at a very early stage of realization. Hanna explores
this potential in terms of advancing a vision of open, smart and inclusive
development. He draws on the experience of some pioneering countries to
illustrate their paths and practices and to draw lessons for our client
Moderator: Samia Melhem, Senior Operations Officer, ICT Sector Unit, World
Nagy Hanna, Sr. Fellow, Centre for Policy on Emerging Technologies
Soren Gigler, Senior Governance Specialist, World Bank Institute
*March 1, 12:30 - 14:00 *
*Open Government: From Data to Information*
How do Governments need to manage their information assets in an
increasingly open world?
How can Governments, Citizens and International Organizations best use and
re-use this information?
The BBL will encourage broad thinking on how the full spectrum of public
information assets, from data and statistics to archives and records, can
be associated and be made more useful for providing evidence, making
decisions, and reporting results. The Session will include a demonstration
of an innovative mock up which provides a mashup of the World Bank's Open
Data, current project data and archival records in a contextual and
meaningful way.
Moderator: Arleen Cannata Seed, IMTLA
Speaker: Tariq Khokhar of the World Bank Open Data Initiatve, Anne
Thurston of the International Records Management Trust, and others (TBC)
*March 1, 14:30 - 16:00 (J B1-080)*
*Role of eID within the eGovernment Strategy*
Case will be set forth for how eID in Government, when it is well
implemented, can result in greater efficiency, transparency and cost
Moderator: Samia Melhem, Senior Operations Officer, World Bank
Speaker: Frank Leyman, Belgian Rep. in eGovernment High Level Group of
European Commission
Discussant: Mariana Dahan, Consultant, ICT Policy Unit, World Bank
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