[liberationtech] Noisebridge Tor node tech details/contact?

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Tue Feb 28 03:32:40 PST 2012

Hi Bernard,

On 28.02.2012 00:42, EI8FDB wrote:
> I would like to propose to the trustees the setting up of a Tor node, 
> alá the Nosebridge Tor node.

Great idea!

> give me some figures/details/pointers regarding finances needed, hosting providers
> that are "cool with that kinda stuff"?

It makes no sense for all people to stuff their Tor nodes into the same
datacenters. I used popular forums such as webhostingtalk.com to find
cheap offers, and then contacted staff to ask if they would allow Tor
exits. Also ask for reassignment of your IP range (SWIP with ARIN),
which helps in case of complaints.

> Are there any legal issues for the space?

The worst case scenario would probably be seizure of all computer
equipment in the space. That's why our non-profit is based in a lawyer's

There is also a list for discussions among Tor relay operators:

If you have further questions, you can find me (and others) on
irc.oftc.net #torservers

Moritz Bartl

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