[liberationtech] Has anyone used this before?

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Fri Feb 24 09:44:21 PST 2012

On 24.02.2012 16:28, Yosem Companys wrote:
> SiteKiosk is software for public-access-PCs that lets you turn any
> computer into a secure Internet terminal, allowing the user to access
> the Internet, but protecting the underlying operating system and
> files.
> http://is.gd/FrJZf7

I don't have experience with this specific commercial tool for Windows.
Microsoft has released a now discontinued free software called
SteadyState that rolls back changes and has several user management
options. It only works on Win XP and Win Vista, but not Windows 7.
Wikipedia also links to a Technet article describing similar methods
using the Group Policy editor.


SteadyState can revert a computer to a previously stored state every
time it reboots, or on administrator's request. [...] User accounts can
be locked or forced to log off after certain intervals. A locked account
uses a temporary copy of the user's profile during the user's session.
When the user logs off, the temporary profile is deleted. This ensures
that any changes the user made during his session are not permanent. The
user's session can also be limited to a specified duration, or logged
off if idle.

"Creating a Steady State by Using Microsoft Technologies on Windows 7"

I am sure similar (free) methods exist for Linux/MacOSX. Of course you
can also turn a computer into an "Internet terminal" using Live CDs.

Moritz Bartl

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