[liberationtech] more on sat phone (in)security

Katrin Verclas katrin at mobileactive.org
Thu Feb 23 17:08:56 PST 2012

Yep, all true.  Extremely imperfect risk mitigation strategies. We should probably just leave it at - DON'T use them in insecure environments.  

Looking forward to your piece. 

On Feb 23, 2012, at 8:05 PM, Brian Conley wrote:

> Thanks Katrin,
> I will be writing my own piece about this issue soon, I hope tomorrow!
> I would like to take issue with two comments from the safer mobile submission, based on my own experience with the technology in the field. I would add a comment but am on my phone so will try to remember to submit late today.
> Now the issues:
> Initial comments only, anonymous says you should "move" which is a nice idea, but without higher end equipment this is notreally an option, particularly on older model phones and certainly not for bgan terminals. Unless you are in a desert in north Africa sitting on the side of the car That faces south in a rural area, you at not getting a reliable connection.
> Anonymous also suggests using the phone in a built up area, which hours directly against previous comment, it is REALLY difficult to maintain a reliable connection in a city unless you are on a roof our a balcony facing the proper direction, or a harbor or other area with a large open space away from the buildings. Remember satellite phones are not inconspicuous.
> Just some things to consider.
> Brian
> On Feb 23, 2012 4:36 PM, "Katrin Verclas" <katrin at mobileactive.org> wrote:
> There is some indication that the two journalists killed in Syria were located by their sat phones. While details are elusive and unknown, here are some posts on why and how it's easy to track a sat phone. As @ioerror has repeatedly stated, be afraid. Be very afraid of sat phones in insecure areas.
> This from EFF: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/02/satphones-syria-and-surveillance  - a good overview
> This from SaferMobile (disclosure: I run the site/edit content) by Anonymous, a contributor to the site who works in the telco industry:  https://safermobile.org/be-afraid-be-very-afraid-of-satellite-phones-in-insecure-locations/  - detail on how location tracking is possible, easy, and cheap
> This from David Burgess, fabulous guy and core developer on OpenBTS: http://openbts.blogspot.com/2012/02/some-comments-on-satellite-phones.html - more detail on the technical logistics, nicely complements SaferMobile's post.
> Katrin
> Katrin Verclas
> MobileActive.org
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Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org

skype/twitter: katrinskaya
(347) 281-7191

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