[liberationtech] Developer Vacancies at FrontlineSMS

Ken Banks ken.banks at kiwanja.net
Wed Feb 22 12:46:50 PST 2012

Hi everyone

We're looking to recruit additional developers for our rapidly expanding Nairobi office.

If you're interested, or know anyone else who might be, or know of any other lists where you could share this, please let us know (or feel free to re-post if you don't mind).

The 'coded' job description can be viewed at http://dev.frontlinesms.com/jobs/

This is an exciting opportunity for anyone interested in working on a range of mobile-related projects (finance, education, radio and transparency among them).

Many thanks.


Ken Banks
Founder, kiwanja.net and FrontlineSMS
Tech Awards Laureate 2009
National Geographic Emerging Explorer 2010

"Where technology meets anthropology, conservation and development"

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kiwanja

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