[liberationtech] current best advice for secure blogging

Michael Rogers m-- at gmx.com
Tue Feb 21 12:42:45 PST 2012

True, that would be possible, but I'm not sure the guide should advise
someone to create two accounts when they only need one.

Thanks for the reminder about AOL, which I forgot to look into. It
doesn't appear to be possible to sign up for an AOL email account
through the Tor Browser Bundle.


On 21/02/12 20:08, Frank Corrigan wrote:
> With regards:
> "fastmail.fm is no longer suitable because
> it requires an existing email address to set up a free account"
> Well of course a temp gmail, aol etc email account can be set up first,
> then a fastmail one.....
> Frank
> ----- Original message -----
> From: "Michael Rogers" <m-- at gmx.com>
> To: "Jacob Appelbaum" <jacob at appelbaum.net>
> Cc: "Liberation Technologies" <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 19:16:51 +0000
> Subject: Re: [liberationtech] current best advice for secure blogging
> On 20/02/12 23:44, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
>> On 02/20/2012 03:40 PM, dan mcquillan wrote:
>>> what is the current best advice for secure blogging? i'm thinking of
>>> an up-to-date version of ethan's classic post:
>>> http://www.ethanzuckerman.com/blog/2006/10/01/anonymous-blogging-with-wordpress-and-tor/
>> A few years ago Sami and I worked on this guide - it has been updated a
>> few times over the years:
>> http://advocacy.globalvoicesonline.org/projects/guide/
>> It could probably use another update.
> I've drafted an update:
> http://akwizgran.github.com/anonblog/
> Changes:
> * Instead of recommending different bundles for users on shared
> computers and users on their own computers, recommend the Tor Browser
> Bundle for everyone. This makes the guide a lot simpler.
> * Hotmail now supports HTTPS, fastmail.fm is no longer suitable because
> it requires an existing email address to set up a free account, Riseup
> makes you wait for manual approval unless you have an invitation code.
> * WordPress no longer emails you a temporary password when you activate
> your account.
> * Turned the last section into a subsection - no need to clean up after
> Firefox if you use the browser bundle.
> * Made various things shorter.
> Please feel free to pick any changes you like and ignore the rest.
> Cheers,
> Michael
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