[liberationtech] current best advice for secure blogging

Michael Rogers m-- at gmx.com
Tue Feb 21 11:16:51 PST 2012

On 20/02/12 23:44, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
> On 02/20/2012 03:40 PM, dan mcquillan wrote:
>> what is the current best advice for secure blogging? i'm thinking of
>> an up-to-date version of ethan's classic post:
>> http://www.ethanzuckerman.com/blog/2006/10/01/anonymous-blogging-with-wordpress-and-tor/
> A few years ago Sami and I worked on this guide - it has been updated a
> few times over the years:
> http://advocacy.globalvoicesonline.org/projects/guide/
> It could probably use another update.

I've drafted an update:


* Instead of recommending different bundles for users on shared
computers and users on their own computers, recommend the Tor Browser
Bundle for everyone. This makes the guide a lot simpler.

* Hotmail now supports HTTPS, fastmail.fm is no longer suitable because
it requires an existing email address to set up a free account, Riseup
makes you wait for manual approval unless you have an invitation code.

* WordPress no longer emails you a temporary password when you activate
your account.

* Turned the last section into a subsection - no need to clean up after
Firefox if you use the browser bundle.

* Made various things shorter.

Please feel free to pick any changes you like and ignore the rest.


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