[liberationtech] The Art of Digital Surveillance and Things to Come in Pakistan

Arzak Khan azrak_khan at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 16 21:58:38 PST 2012

The coming posts on the issue of surveillance will detail the technologies and way government in Pakistan is actively building up and spending on surveillance technologies. My upcoming post on Saturday will provide information on the use of Identity cards for biometric surveillance and how everything digital is being linked up to the mass centralized database of surveillance on general public!



From: piracee at hrw.org
To: azrak_khan at hotmail.com; liberationtech at mailman.stanford.edu
Subject: RE: [liberationtech] The Art of Digital Surveillance and Things to Come	in Pakistan
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 14:42:12 +0000

Do you have more info on what are the things to come in Pakistan?  Any info on the current state of surveillance technology there? Spending trends?
Privacy Int’l has some info on who has attended ISS: https://www.privacyinternational.org/big-brother-incorporated/countries/Pakistan

From: liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu [mailto:liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu]
On Behalf Of Arzak Khan

Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 1:25 AM

To: Liberationtech

Subject: [liberationtech] The Art of Digital Surveillance and Things to Come in Pakistan


The Art of Digital Surveillance and Things to Come in Pakistan 

By Arzak Khan 



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