[liberationtech] Fw: Internet at Liberty II, Washington DC, May 22-24 -- Your Suggestions Please

Katrin Verclas katrin at mobileactive.org
Wed Feb 15 17:31:08 PST 2012

FYI, libtechers!

Sent via mobile. Hence, short.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Boorstin <rboorstin at google.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 18:46:19 
To: <participants at globalnetworkinitiative.org>
Subject: Re: Internet at Liberty II, Washington DC, May 22-24 -- Your
 Suggestions Please

Hi all,

We're repeating this appeal to you for suggestions for participants and
panel/debate topics for our Internet at Liberty conference, which is
scheduled to take place at the Newseum in Washington, DC, May 22-24.  Many
of you have filled out the form -- found
-- but
we're forced by time to set a *deadline of next Wednesday (February 22) at
COB Eastern time* to make recommendations.

As we said in our first message, please remember that we'll be sponsoring
(read: paying for) about 100 activists and bloggers to attend so your
nominations are highly valued. Sessions are going to be focused on those
countries and governments which are neither committed to a closed Internet nor
leading the charge for Internet freedom.  We aim to attract participants
primarily from those places which are in the midst of deciding which way
they will turn.

We would also appreciate you giving us ideas for plenary sessions -- which
will include interviews, panels and two debates.  The
a special section where you can make such suggestions.

Thanks again for all your help in making sure we get the best possible
selection of people from around the world.  Please feel free to pass this
email and the form along to interested parties.

The Internet at Liberty II Team

> --
> Bob Boorstin
> Director, Public Policy
> Google
> 1101 New York Avenue, N.W.
> Second Floor
> Washington, DC 20005
> (202) 346-1100
> rboorstin at google.com
> If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to
> anyone else (it may contain confidential or privileged information), please
> erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the
> sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks.

Bob Boorstin
Director, Public Policy
1101 New York Avenue, N.W.
Second Floor
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 346-1100
rboorstin at google.com

If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to
anyone else (it may contain confidential or privileged information), please
erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the
sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks.

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