[liberationtech] "Startup" class by Peter Thiel

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Feb 10 18:38:21 PST 2012

> For the first time this spring at Stanford, Peter Thiel is teaching a
> course on building a successful startup: “Startup” (CS 183).  Peter’s goal
> is to teach everything he knows about launching and building a company,
> learned through his experiences with PayPal, Facebook, Palantir and other
> successful tech companies.  The course will feature special guests,
> examples from startups’ early days, and teach skills necessary for success.
>  The course is being taught this spring, designed specifically for
> engineers interested in entrepreneurship.
> “Startup” (CS 183) will be held M/W from 2:15-3:45 in Braun Aud (in the
> Mudd Chemistry building).  Here is a link to the listing:
> http://explorecourses.stanford.edu/CourseSearch/search?q=183&view=catalog&page=0&catalog=&filter-day-2=on&collapse=%2C2%2C4%2C&filter-coursestatus-Active=on

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