[liberationtech] DHS Social Media Scrapes

Soenke Zehle s.zehle at xmlab.org
Thu Feb 9 23:53:54 PST 2012

Have you seen the RFP? It's offline now but I can send it, don't think
the list allows attachments

2012/2/9 Carrie Budge <budge.caroline at gmail.com>:
> Great, thank you for the help Andrew.
> I've learnt since writing earlier that the FBI has just put out a RFP for developers to create an app so that they can scrape social networks too. Delightful.
> //////////////////////
> carrie budge
> On 9 Feb 2012, at 17:05, Andrew Lewis <andrew at pdqvpn.com> wrote:
>> Keyword searching in most cases.
>> Depending on the business unit, I'd be surprised if it was anything more then a horrendously written app or a commercial product with an obscene markup.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Feb 9, 2012, at 12:34 PM, caroline budge <budge.caroline at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Lib Tech community!
>>> I was referred to the community by a professor in the CAST department at Goldsmiths University in London. I am currently on a MA Digital Journalist course there where I am investigating the recent incident where two british tourists got turned away from LAX because the DHS had detected a tweet that said they were going to 'destroy america' --which is british slang for "party in america'.
>>> The DHS has contracted a security company called General Dynamics to carry out a majority of their work scraping the internet.
>>> Does anyone in the community have a good idea at what sort of methods they are using to do so. I have a very basic understanding of programming (I've been scraping twitter using python recently), but I was wondering if the community had a better idea of how they are going about performing these scrapes.
>>> I hope that this is clear and that someone can help me write about the methods they are using to collate user data in real time.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Carrie
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