[liberationtech] [TIER] What governments have programs/initiatives/funds to support "net activism"?
Helen Belcastro
Helen.Belcastro at sida.se
Mon Feb 6 00:51:56 PST 2012
Dear all,
There will be 3 open calls during 2012, within Swedish gov´t special initiative on demo and freedom of expr. (excuse abbrev. have broken my arm), handled by Sida. One, towards summer will focus ICTs for demo. Look at web site soon.
Best regards,
Helen Belcastro
Programme Manager
Democracy, Human Rights and Gender Equality
Department for Reform and Selective Cooperation
Eastern Europe Unit
helen.belcastro at sida.se
Phone: +46-8-698 5209
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
Visiting address: Valhallavägen 199
SE-105 25 STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Från: tier-bounces at tier.cs.berkeley.edu [tier-bounces at tier.cs.berkeley.edu] för James Losey [jameswlosey at gmail.com]
Skickat: den 3 februari 2012 21:56
Till: Robert Guerra
Cc: List Aoir; liberationtech at mailman.stanford.edu; tier at tier.cs.berkeley.edu; change at change.washington.edu; apsa_itp at latte.harvard.edu; citasa at list.citasa.org
Ämne: Re: [TIER] [liberationtech] What governments have programs/initiatives/funds to support "net activism"?
Hi Muzammil,
There are also major foundations that fund as well. Here is a list surveyed for a report<http://columbia.academia.edu/ANelson/Papers/658194/Funding_Free_Expression_Perceptions_and_Reality_in_a_Changing_Landscape> on trends in Freedom of Expression Funding. Robert is right on that details on some of this funding is likely discrete.
* Adessium Foundation (The Netherlands)
* Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (United States)
* Canadian International Development Agency
* Danish International Development Agency
* Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Canada)
* Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation, Hivos (The Netherlands)
* International Development Research Centre, (Canada)
* John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (United States)
* John S. and James L. Knight Foundation (United States)
* McCormick Tribune Foundation (United States)
* National Endowment for Democracy (United States)
* Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
* Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
* Open Society Foundations (OSF)
* Sigrid Rausing Trust (U.K.)
* Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
* Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
* U.S. Department of State, USAID, and Middle East Partnership Initiative (joint response)
* United Nations Development Programme
* World Bank
On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org<mailto:rguerra at privaterra.org>> wrote:
The Govt of the Netherlands convened a ministerial level meeting on Internet Freedom this past December. The meeting brought together like minded countries that are supporting net activism in some way.
http://www.minbuza.nl/en/ministry/conference-on-internet-freedom (you can find a participant list there)
Some countries are very public about their funding programs (USG, Sweden, Netherlands, EU), others are far more discrete to protect the sensitivity of their programming.
I look forward to the summary you might be putting together.
R. Guerra
Phone/Cell: +1 202-905-2081<tel:%2B1%20202-905-2081>
Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom<http://twitter.com/netfreedom>
Email: rguerra at privaterra.org<mailto:rguerra at privaterra.org>
On 2012-02-03, at 2:59 PM, Muzammil M. Hussain wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to put together a short-list of countries that have publicly
> created programs/initiatives/funds to support political net activism, most
> often for democracy promotion. The US Department of State, and Swedish
> Foreign Ministry are two excellent examples.
> Does such a list exist that covers other countries? If not, would you
> kindly let me know of the ones you know of -- I will happily compile the
> responses and post a shared document for those interested in this question.
> Thank you in advance,
> Muzammil
> --
> Muzammil M. Hussain, PhC
> Department of Communication
> University of Washington
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