[liberationtech] Telegraph article on the cracking of satellite phone encryption
Aaron Huslage
huslage at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 17:44:21 PST 2012
These forms of encryption were meant to be snoopable from the beginning.
It's no real surprise here...sad though. Encrypt it yourself with something
that you know is secure, or you're pretty much being listened in on.
On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 9:02 PM, Brian Conley <brianc at smallworldnews.tv>wrote:
> I think this should be a lesson to all of us that where there exists
> anecdotal information about governments ability to crack encryption, we
> should be sure to err on the side of conservatism when describing the risks
> of closed technology.
> It takes these German researchers 30 minutes to listen to a satphone call
> with very rudimentary 2011 computer tech.
> There is however an error in this article, some Inmarsat phones are
> definitely broken, specifically the isatphonePro. I've already written the
> author, let's hope they will correct the article soon.
> Our satphone security guide will be published soon, I'll be sure to keep
> you all updated.
> Http://telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/9058529/satellite-phone-encryption-cracked.html
> Sent from my iPad
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Aaron Huslage
IM: AIM - ahuslage; GTalk - huslage at gmail.com; Skype - huslage
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