[liberationtech] Concept for takedown-resistant publishing
liberationtech at lewman.us
liberationtech at lewman.us
Sat Feb 4 10:35:11 PST 2012
On Sat, Feb 04, 2012 at 07:00:35PM +0100, art at globaleaks.org wrote 2.1K bytes in 60 lines about:
: In a Tor HS you have a site that is stored in a physical location X and if people
: are able to somehow uncover location X (maybe because they discovered who
: you are), you loose.
Only if you set it up that way. Tor hidden services work via
first-to-publish-wins. I run some hidden services that are duplicated
in different parts of the world. For example,
http://bzq5tzlog5yznon2.onion/, is hosted in three different
places. Whichever tor client happens to publish first means you go to
that one first. In this case, rsync works fine to keep the files up to
date because everything is static.
: By leveraging technologies such as Bittorrent, you are able to use the fact that
: a big user base already exists and that they have been proven effective at
: storing in a decentralized manner data.
A decentralized publishing and synchronization system would be
great. Personally, I've been poking around at p2p commenting systems,
http://bzq5tzlog5yznon2.onion/2011/11/28/p2p-commenting-system.html and
p2p search in Yacy,
pgp 0x74ED336B
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