[liberationtech] Burn Note

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Fri Feb 3 21:56:19 PST 2012


On Sat, Feb 04 2012, Sahar Massachi wrote:
> I agree with all of that. Thank you for reassuring me that I'm not
> crazy.
> Here's a fear: for them the real alternative isn't Tor, but sending
> passwords via email.

I don't know how others on the list feel, but I'd probably recommend
e-mail (let's say Gmail) over using this site -- Gmail's use of SSL
means the passwords won't go over the wire in plaintext, and I have more
trust in Google to demand valid search warrants from law enforcement and
take adequate precautions against getting themselves hacked than this
site, whose operators I know nothing about.

> I'm torn between contacting them and warning them off from those
> sites and thinking "well at least it's better than the status quo".

Yes, this tension between perfect-but-implausible and good-enough
certainly seems like a large and stressful part of advocating privacy
technology.  (I'm sure the continuum exists for other types of
interventions such as health care, too.)

All the same, we can still try to offer the best solution for a given
threat model and amount of effort required, and it's not at all clear
that this site should be included anywhere in that list.


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>   <http://printf.net/>
One Laptop Per Child

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