[liberationtech] Burn Note

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Fri Feb 3 21:34:27 PST 2012


On Fri, Feb 03 2012, Sahar Massachi wrote:
> New Organizing Institute is a prominent resource for activists in the
> United States. They coincidentally sent out a tip to use a BurnNote-style
> tool to their list today. This time, the website is onetimesecret.com.
> Is their Tip of the Day incorrect?

Collapsing the world of trust down to a binary "correct or incorrect"
usually doesn't make sense, but you can consider some unknown questions:

* What if onetimesecret.com keeps a copy of your secret after removing
  it from the website?  You can't know whether this is happening, and
  they could have monetary incentive to -- they might decide to sell
  secrets to the highest bidder.

* What if they comply with law enforcement requests to turn over viewed
  and non-viewed secrets?

* What if they *are* law enforcement or another adversary, setting up
  a site to attempt to obtain private data for their own use, and
  then advertising it to privacy activists?

I think it's clear that this project is asking you to give more trust to
it and its operators than state of the art software would -- OTR chat
and Tor, for example.


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>   <http://printf.net/>
One Laptop Per Child

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