[liberationtech] Stanford conference on "big data" & "data analytics"

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Aug 28 10:45:23 PDT 2012

6th Extremely Large Databases Conference, Workshop & Tutorials (XLDB-2012)
September 10-13, 2012
Stanford University
Stanford, California, USA

The XLDB conference focuses on the management and analysis
of data at extreme scale. It provides a unique opportunity
to meet and learn from leading practitioners from science,
industry, and academia working on real-world solutions for
handling terabytes and petabytes of data.

This year, the XLDB event consists of three elements:
 1) a two-day, open conference (Sept 11-12)
 2) one full day of tutorials (Sept 10)
 3) a one-day invitational workshop (Sept 13)

This year's conference includes in-depth presentations about
selected industrial and scientific reference cases, with
a focus on health care and biology. Cloud computing at scale
with a focus on private clouds, as well as hardware and
infrastructure trends and their impact on the future of
extreme scale systems will be discussed.

For these wishing to share their ideas or solutions with
the conference attendees, we have arranged lightning talk
sessions, poster sessions and demonstrations.

More information, including registration and programs
can be found at http://xldb.org/2012.

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