[liberationtech] Warrantless cellphone geosurveillance - RFC

Lisa Brownlee lmbscholarly2 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 10:10:09 PDT 2012

Back in April, I published this to LibTech with request for comments. The
speed and quality of response were overwhelming!!! I was shortly thereafter
“asked” to suppress this to study other MX issues, which I did,
for legitimate reasons that were proffered.

I am now posting this again for the folllowing input:

Mexico passed this warrantless cellphone geosurveillance law – in the open
and public. While it was not widely publicized, neither was it in any way
kept secret. In many other jurisdictions, precisely this type of
warrantless cell surveillance is taking place – but without the benefit,
even, of public notice or passage of a specific law.

This RFC is directed at the following:

1. Any additional technological comment/input.

2. Does your country’s police force conduct cellphone geosurveillance? If
yes, please provide details.

3. Does your country’s law provide for notice of this surveillance? If yes,
please provide details.

Thank you in advance for your input.




Lisa M. Brownlee, Esq.
Skype:  lisa.m.brownlee
lmbscholarly2 at gmail.com
lmbcontacts at yahoo.com
Author's website at West Thomson
About my Law Journal Press
Facebook: Lisa M

Author of:

Intellectual Property Due Diligence in Corporate Transactions: Investment,
Risk Assessment and Management (West Thomson Reuters)

Assets & Finance: Audits and Valuation of Intellectual Property (West
Thomson Reuters)

Federal Acquisition Regulations: Intellectual Property and Related Rights
(Law Journal Press)
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