[liberationtech] CfP: Governing digital expression in the information age: Free‐speech, surveillance and censorship
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Wed Aug 22 22:30:11 PDT 2012
> Journal of Information Technology and Politics
> Call for Papers ‘Governing digital expression in the information age:
> Free‐speech, surveillance and censorship’
> Guest editors: Helena Carrapico (University of Coimbra/ University of
> Strathclyde) and Benjamin Farrand (University of Strathclyde)
> What connects pro‐democracy and protest movements in the Arab world,
> Europe, and the Americas is not only their democratic aspirations, but
> also their innovative forms of communication and organization through
> online means, which are sometimes considered to be outside of the
> State’ control. At the same time, however, it has become apparent that
> countries are attempting to increase their understanding of, and
> control over, their citizens’actions in the digital sphere. This
> involves development of surveillance instruments, control mechanisms,
> and processes engineered to dominate the digital public sphere, and
> necessitates the assistance and support of private actors. Examples
> include the growing use of Internet surveillance technology with which
> online data traffic is analyzed and the extensive monitoring of social
> networks. Despite increased media attention, academic debate on these
> technologies, mechanisms, and techniques remains relatively limited,
> as is discussion of the involvement of corporate actors.
> The guest editors of this special issue welcome articles reflecting on
> how Internet‐ related technologies, mechanisms, and techniques may be
> used as a means to enable expression, but also to restrict speech,
> manipulate public debate, and 'manage' global populaces. Articles
> should be no more than 8,000 words, including references, and should
> be sent to the guest editors Helena Carrapico (helena.carrapico at eui.eu
> <mailto:helena.carrapico at eui.eu>) and Benjamin Farrand
> (benjamin.farrand at strath.ac.uk
> <mailto:benjamin.farrand at strath.ac.uk>), and officially submitted
> through the journal’s manuscript submission system
> (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/witp).
> All manuscripts should follow APA, 6th Edition formatting guidelines.
> The deadline for submission is *October 31, 2012*. Please contact the
> guest editors with any questions regarding the special issue.
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