[liberationtech] Call for papers: DEV 2013

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Aug 19 15:06:00 PDT 2012

ACM DEV 2013
3rd Symposium on Computing for Development
Co-located with COMSNETS
January 11-12, 2013
Bangalore, India

Important Dates:

Submissions due: September 7, 2012 (11:59pm UTC) - firm deadline
Author notification: October 26, 2012
Camera-ready: December 7, 2012
Conference: January 11-12, 2013

DEV 2013 provides an international forum for research in the design and
implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for
social and economic development. In particular, we focus on emerging
contexts where conventional computing solutions are often inappropriate due
to various contextual factors - including, but not limited to, cost,
language, literacy, and the availability of power and bandwidth.

Papers should describe original and previously unpublished research. Three
metrics will be applied to judge papers: (a) Relevance of the problem for
development; (b) Novelty of the technical solution; (c) Evaluation of the
solution, making a case for development-focused impact. All DEV paper
submissions should either provide or directly motivate a novel technical
solution that has direct implications for development. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:


    Low-cost wireless connectivity
    Intermittent networks and systems
    Power-efficient systems
    Low-cost computing devices
    Mobile systems and applications
    Mixed networks, e.g., telephony and IP
    Special-purpose sensor systems
    Security challenges in developing regions


    User interfaces for low-literacy populations
    Multi-lingual computing
    User-interfaces for low-cost devices
    Participatory methods and user-centered design
    Accessibility to disabled populations in developing regions
    Design and evaluation of applications for health, microfinance,
education, agriculture, entertainment

AI/NLP/Data Mining/Speech/Vision

    Machine learning techniques for large-scale data analysis in
development contexts
    Adapting content and applications to local languages and education
    Understanding social relationships and information flows in
disadvantaged societies
    Speech interfaces and speech recognition for low-resource languages
    Development of new AI-centric tools/solutions for development
    Computer vision challenges in development

We also welcome papers outside of these topics that address the DEV focus
on computing innovations supporting social and economic development.

Conference co-chairs:
Bill Thies, Microsoft Research India <thies at microsoft.com>
Amit Nanavati, IBM India Research Labs <namit at in.ibm.com>

PC co-chairs:
Richard Anderson, University of Washington <anderson at cs.washington.edu>
Aaditeshwar Seth, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi <
aseth at cse.iitd.ernet.in>

Program committee (confirmed so far):
Aaditeshwar Seth, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Amarjeet Singh, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi
Amit Nanavati, IBM India Research Labs
Andrew Dearden, Sheffield Hallam University
Anirudh Joshi, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Bhaskaran Raman, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Bill Thies, Microsoft Research India
Brian DeRenzi, University of Washington
Elizabeth Belding, UC Santa Barbara
Emma Brunskill, Carnegie Mellon University
Etienne Barnard, University of Pretoria
Gaetano Borriello, University of Washington
James Davis, UC Santa Cruz
Jana Iyengar, Franklin and Marshall College
Jay Chen, New York University
John Bennett, University of Colorado Boulder
John Quinn, Makerere University
Kentaro Toyama, UC Berkeley
Lakshmi Subramanian, New York University
Neal Lesh, Dimagi
Neil Patel, Awaaz De
Niloy Ganguli, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Richard Anderson, University of Washington
Roni Rosenfeld, Carnegie Mellon University
Saurabh Panjwani, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs India
Sharad Jaiswal, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs India
Srinivasan Keshav, University of Waterloo
Tapan Parikh, UC Berkeley
Vanessa Frias Martinez, Telefonica Research
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