[liberationtech] Fwd: Liberationtech Mailing List Survey

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Aug 18 17:06:57 PDT 2012

I was asked to remind everyone that making the archives 'public' means that
it will be publicly available on the internet and thus posts will likely
come up on google searches of a sender's name.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>
Date: Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 12:50 PM
Subject: Liberationtech Mailing List Survey
To: Liberation Technologies <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>

Hi All,

Based on your feedback, a short 3-question survey of the Liberationtech
community will be conducted to determine what changes to implement.  The
survey will be conducted through Thursday, August 16, 2012, and aggregated
survey results will be released on Friday, August 17, 2012.  Changes to
mailing list guidelines will occur shortly thereafter.

To provide background info on the survey questions, the feedback you have
sent either privately or to the whole list over the past few days has been
summarized below under "policy implications."

Should you have any questions, please let me know.


List Moderator


   - Would you like to make the Liberationtech archives *public* or *private
      - Public
      - Private
   - Should reply-to's be sent to the *entire list* or the *individual
      - Entire List
      - Individual Sender
   - Should we reduce or eliminate the list-email signature text?
      - Keep text signature as is
      - Add  "-- " prior to text signature to enable auto-hiding in most
      - Eliminate text signature completely


   - Public or private:
      - Public implies making the archives public both within mailman, and
      we would also allow automatic, real-time mirroring of the list.
Easiest to
      do for simplicity and transparency's sake.  Mailing list guidelines would
      also be amended to reflect the change.
      - Private means that we would make the archives private and, if
      possible, add Internet standard email headers or robot exclusions to
      restrict or prohibit archiving.  Mailing list guidelines would also be
      amended to reflect the change.
   - Reply to entire list or individual sender:
      - Advantage of replying to individual sender includes preventing
      personal replies from being inadvertently sent to the entire list.
      - Advantages of replying to entire list include:
         - Preventing people who forward emails from the list from
         unnecessarily exposing subscribers' email addresses
         - Preventing list server from having to filter email to
         subscribers who are in To: or Cc: (if anything goes wrong, they get an
         email twice)
         - Reducing both the strain on the server and the risk of
         triggering spam filters
      - Signature
      - Signature currently includes instructions on how to change
      subscription options (an issue that constantly recurs on the
list) and our
      Twitter address.  See below:
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