[liberationtech] CfP on hacktivists vs. the “patriotic” hackers
Volodymyr Lysenko
vlysenko at uw.edu
Thu Aug 16 16:22:07 PDT 2012
Please circulate widely
Call for Papers on: Hacktivists vs. the “patriotic” hackers: Contemporary
information- and cyber-warfare in highly contentious political contexts
8th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security ICIW-2013
Regis University, Denver, Colorado, USA
25-26 March 2013
Track Co-Chairs: Barbara Endicott-Popovsky & Volodymyr Lysenko, Center of
Information Assurance and Cybersecurity, University of Washington, Seattle,
During recent years we have seen a dramatic increase in the use of hacking
for political cause. From the point of view of the stakeholders involved in
highly contentious political conflicts, these activities can be divided
into pro-governmental and pro-oppositional categories. Examples of the
former category include: the Russian “patriotic” hackers acting against
Estonia in 2007, Georgia in 2008, and the Russian opposition movement in
2011/2012; the “Iranian Cyber Army;” and the “Syrian Cyber Army.” These are
typical representatives of pro-governmental, secret services-organized
and/or backed entities conducting cyberwar against either their compatriot
oppositional groups and/or foreign states and organizations which are
considered as opposing their countries’ incumbent (non-democratic) regimes.
Examples of the latter category include groups in Tunisia (2010/2011),
Egypt (2011), Syria (2011/2012) and Russia (2012). In these cases chapters
of Anonymous became hacktivist cyberfighters against the incumbent
(non-democratic) regimes in these respective countries. Accordingly, this
mini-track invites both practitioners and academics to submit works
analyzing the objectives, roles, progression, outcomes, and perspectives of
activities by hackers and hacktivists involved in modern, highly
contentious, political conflicts on both sides.
This track welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions focusing on,
without being limited to, the following topics:
· Two sides of the same coin: hackers and hacktivists in Anonymous
· The cyberarms race: hacktivists vs. non-democratic authorities
· Trends in the direction of cyberwars
· The challenges that cyber conflicts pose to democracies
· Analyses and insights into politically-motivated cyberwars such as
the cyberwars during the Arab Spring: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc.
and the cyberwars against Estonia, Georgia and other non-Russian states of
the former USSR
· Analyses and insights into anti-oppositional cyberwars, for
example like those in Russia and within other (semi)authoritarian states of
the former USSR
Submissions can be made on-line directly on the Abstract submission
Submission details
*Abstract details*:
All submission types require an abstract in the first instance. The
Abstract should be a minimum of 300 and no more than 500 words including
keywords to be received by 3 September 2012 Please read the Abstract
Guidelines <http://academic-conferences.org/abstract-guidelines.htm>section
of the website before submitting.
Online via the submission
Please ensure that you complete all relevant sections of the form,
including the conference track the abstract is intended for, the proposed
title for the paper, the full names (first name and surname, not initials)
and email addresses of all authors and a postal address and telephone
number for at least one contact author. Please indicate clearly if the
contact author is not the lead author. Please take the time to read
the Submission
for a complete description of submission types and how to submit.
*Full paper:*
Only required when the abstract has been selected and not to be more than
5,000 words including abstract, keywords and references (the Harvard
referencing rules need to be followed). Submission date will be no later
than 22 October 2012. Authors are advised that this is a *final* date. Papers
should be submitted as .doc or .rtf file attachments by email to Charlotte
Hall <Charlotte at academic-conferences.org?subject=ICIW_2013-Paper_submission>with
the paper submission
checklist and copyright
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