[liberationtech] Survey response

David Majlak davidmajlak at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 16:29:07 PDT 2012

Would you like to make the Liberationtech archives *public* or *private?

I would say public. A google search here and there from the odd person in
the future might find the information useful. If one thinks a mailing list
contains any semblance of privacy, a google search of entrapment by police
via text message will give you the answer you're looking for. Public it is.

Should reply-to's be sent to the *entire list* or the *individual sender*?

I think the way things are set up now are just fine. If someone wants a
private/solo conversation, the user's email is there, and is easily found.
I have my settings set to a single, batch mail, so spam isn't an issue for
me. If it interests me, I just go to the appropriate distance. (making it
easier to reach this distance would be appreciated) The only consideration
is whether or not people are offended having their email addresses exposed,
if someone wanted to sign up to listserves' in order to gain better spam
books - in that case, spam is unavoidable anyway, and if one is tidy with
their mailbox, this shouldn't be a problem. I'd like to think this
particular "serve" would be hard to come by, by spam agents because it
originates at stanford, and additionally, i'd like to think we all have a
sense of professionalism, and courtesy via internet, even if we all don't
carry college degrees. But i am not the collective, so, I vote to leave
things the way they are. If i want to send to the entire list, I send to
the libtech at lists at the top of the mail. If i want to send to an
individual, I know how to do so via the email. Done and done.

Should we reduce or eliminate the list-email signature text?

As far as i'm concerned, this is probably wasted space. I have no idea
where it is or what it says, because i haven't paid that much attention to
it, nor will i search for it just to be educated on the subject. It's a
non-issue for me. If I had to vote, I say remove it. Yeah, i gave a two
second look just in case. My statement stands. In the batch mail, if the
signature is at the top, I'd like that to remain.
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