[liberationtech] Update: Who's interested in project management & collaboration tools?

Miles Fidelman mfidelman at meetinghouse.net
Fri Aug 10 14:10:01 PDT 2012

Thanks to all who've sent me comments!

The new, and hopefully improved Kickstarter page and video are now up at:

Take a look!  Comments welcome.  So are donations, likes, tweets, diggs, 
+1s, re-distribution, blog posts, and any other visibility!  And... if 
you happen to have a large, distributed project coming up - a 
conference, event, crowd sourcing effort, flash performance, disaster 
response exercise that just begs for a collaboration support tool - 
let's talk!



In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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