[liberationtech] Can we please all take a break from the meta-discussion of Cryptocat?

Alec Muffett alec.muffett at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 13:26:42 PDT 2012


I like this list, I like the goals of it.

What has pained me in the past few days is that it's become clear
we've stopped talking about technologies and have moved onto "talking
about people who talk about technologies".

To me it has become eminently clear that:

a) Nadim's heart is in the right place and he's fully cognisant of a
good path forward for his software

b) Nobody will ever agree on the "best security for activists" because
no such single thing exists

c) Any article that appears in the mainstream media - or by any
non-subscriber - regards the software will be *out of date* - and to
merely mention it will be to dredge sewage up for re-examination as if
it were interesting or important.

So I beg fellow subscribers: please, let the matter drop.  It's
boring, if not depressing, and this constant re-iteration of solved
questions smacks faintly of high school drama.

If you want to correct a posting in Wired, please either beat them up
in their comments section or else blog and tweet about them.

    - alec


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