[liberationtech] Hacktivism PDF's

dan jones hack at riseup.net
Wed Aug 8 06:11:40 PDT 2012

On 08/08/12 23:07, David Majlak wrote:
> I'd just like to add one cool thing they show you how to do in the
> pack: Apparently al-qaeda was transmitting files via jpeg. You can zip
> or rar a file, and combine them in the CMD prompt, and when you open
> it, only the picture will open until you either separate the two, also
> at the command prompt, or rename the file to .zip or .rar. Very cool.
This is trivial to detect and retrieve the data if you have a copy of
the original picture, which is likely if it is a picture already on the
web. Don't use this for any sort of security.

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