[liberationtech] What I've learned from Cryptocat

Ali-Reza Anghaie ali at packetknife.com
Tue Aug 7 01:40:14 PDT 2012

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 4:25 AM, Luke Allnutt <AllnuttL at rferl.org> wrote:

> With Frank's message in mind, do list members have thoughts about the best
> dumbed-down guide for activists to stay safer online?
> I know EFF, MobileActive, and Movements.org have done some good work in
> this field, but wondered whether there is a consensus on a good short,
> easy-to-understand document for activists?

If there is an existing consensus - it's bound to be part of the problem..

Snark aside, I'm serious.

The biggest problem I've seen w/ any of these is the total lack of
understanding how all of these same target users dealt with Government
surveillance ~before~ us and what carryover behaviors still work for them

Set aside the Cryptocat project, where do the list managers or various
Faculty and Staff suggest we can gather the "requirements" from all of our
personal experiences. At least we have them to then start categorizing and
consolidating into a "message" for those trying to help the activists under
fire. -Ali
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