[liberationtech] Libtech Wiki to put caveats for Dropbox & Google docs?

Douglas Lucas dal at riseup.net
Sat Aug 4 12:28:30 PDT 2012

Hi Libtech,

Yosem asked me to work on text & links for caveats about Dropbox and
Google Docs to use for the Libtech email list guidelines. (The list has
been talking about the list's use or non-use of attachments.) Is there a
good, working Liberationtech wiki that'd make a good place to stash
links and text about caveats for Dropbox and Google Docs?

If anyone wants to help, email me either on- or off-list! We should work
on one at a time, starting with Dropbox. Also, we should think about
what service (if any...) might work well as a good, sufficiently secure
alternative for Libtech email list attachments. I'm also curious what
file-locker service should be recommended to groups such as small
businesses. Mozy.com is one alternative that's been promoted lately.

A small business could VPN into a server with an encrypted hard drive
somewhere (with backups of that encrypted data!) -- the drives
unmounting upon physical confiscation -- and though a skilled IT person
could set that up, it's still beyond the range of most ordinary small
businesses, I think.



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