[liberationtech] Humanitarian Hack Box & Chance to win $20k

George Chamales george at roguegenius.com
Fri Aug 3 16:48:32 PDT 2012

Good afternoon folks,

We've just released v1 of the Humanitarian Hack Box, a VirtualBox VM that
comes pre-loaded with Ushahidi, Sahana Eden, and OpenStreetMap.  The image
is designed to enable testing by security professionals interested in
finding and fixing vulnerabilities in these programs.

The VM image and documentation are available here:

Updates on the HHB will be posted here:  http://roguegenius.com/hhb

Any bugs that you do find can be submitted for a chance to win $20,000 from
the Access Innovation Prize:  https://accessnow.org/prize

If you have any specific questions please feel free to email me directly.


George Chamales
Rogue Genius LLC
Phone:  718.288.7718
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