[liberationtech] Attachments

Brian Conley brianc at smallworldnews.tv
Fri Aug 3 12:11:05 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I've suggested the following text, which I believe Yosem has made the
default response to anyone who sends an attachment to the list from hereon.
It's based on Tibet Action's great overview. Those familiar will notice
I've cut some of their text, for brevity.

I used their text because I like it, and it is the one I was familiar with.
Please feel free to comment if anything is missing/misleading/etc.


Please don't send attachments to the Liberationtech list!

Online activists, and certainly Liberationtech list members are likely
targets of internet attacks, such as viruses and spyware. One of the most
common way of these attacks are through email sent pretending to be from
someone it’s not really from, or that looks identical to a real email
you’ve seen but has a virus in the attachment. Remember that all these
emails will look and sound genuine.

Opening these attachments received through your inbox is similar to
inviting a spy into your computer.

At downloading and opening these attachment files on your computer, you let
the spy:


   steal documents and information from your system

   start the camera to watch around you

   start the microphone to listen to you

… and many more.

Liberationtech recommends, if you don’t recognize the sender or the email
address, don’t confirm by replying to that email with attachment.

See https://tibetaction.net/detach-from-attachments/ for more information
about why you should refrain from sending or opening attachments from
senders you don't know.

If you are expecting an email with attachment from someone, make sure to
confirm or reconfirm before downloading. It’s always better to confirm
through text message or phone call for people you know.

The best thing to do when receiving an attachment with your email is to
IGNORE IT. Start getting used to not only NOT OPENING ATTACHMENTS, but also

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:38 PM, Marcin de Kaminski
<marcin at dekaminski.se>wrote:

> Could we please agree on not sending attachments with emails on the
> libtech list? Important information can be enclosed as plain text.
> Marcin
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Brian Conley

Director, Small World News


m: 646.285.2046

Skype: brianjoelconley

public key:
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