[liberationtech] CfP: ICTs & Mobility in the Developing World

V. Setty Pendakur settypendakur at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 20:28:04 PDT 2012

Excellent and Thank you all.  setty.  

On 2012-04-28, at 8:11 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:

> Call for Papers
> Transportation Research Board (TRB)
> 92nd Annual Meeting: January 13-17, 2013
> Washington, DC, USA
> Call Title:
> Mobile-driven mobility intelligence: Information and communications technologies and mobility in developing countries
> Sponsoring Committees:
> ABE90 – Transportation in the Developing Countries
> AHB15—Intelligent Transportation Systems
> Call Description:
> The TRB Committees on Transportation in the Developing Countries (ABE90) and Intelligent Transportation Systems (AHB15) invite the submission of papers on a range of topics related to the growing role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in mobility systems of the developing world. This paper call is motivated by the explosive growth in: personal mobile communication devices (e.g., mobile phones), the power of distributed computing capabilities, low-cost sensor devices (e.g., RFID tags), and open source programming and data movements. These and related developments are enabling the merging of mobile communications and computation capabilities with mobility systems.
> The aim of this call for papers is to expand and improve our understanding of the use of such technological advances in transportation systems in the developing world and their potential for fundamentally changing system performance. 
> Specific topics of interest include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
> 1. ICTs as new sources of low cost data collection (e.g., activity surveys, use of sensors, real-time and old cell phone data for transport planning and operations);
> 2. Data Observatories and Crowdsourcing for planning, operations, and participation (e.g., reporting grievances);
> 3. ICTs as fare media (e.g., possibilities for delivering targeted subsidies and better pricing);
> 4. ICTs enabling mobility service innovations (including by enhancing “traditional” travel modes);
> 5. Mobility, communications and accessibility – complementarity and/or substitutability?
> 6. Role of societal factors in influencing ICTs impacts on transportation;
> 7. Skepticism, doubts, and critiques of the role of such technology systems.
> Papers for publication and/or presentation must be submitted before August 1, 2012 to the TRB web-site: http://www.trb.org/AnnualMeeting2013/AnnualMeeting2013.aspx.
> Submission of complete papers, conforming to TRB standards and format, is required for consideration. Papers may be submitted for presentation only. Each paper will be peer-reviewed according to TRB procedures. TRB paper specifications are found online (http://www.trb.org/GetInvolvedwithTRB/Public/GetInvolvedSubmitaPaper.aspx).
> At the bottom of the TRB paper submission form, please indicate this call for papers and review by the Committee on Transportation in the Developing Countries (ABE90). Be sure to include this Committee name and number with the paper submission.
> For more information on this call for papers contact:
> Shomik Mehndiratta, World Bank, smehndiratta at worldbank.org
> Christopher Zegras, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, czegras at mit.edu
> please cc all correspondence to Setty Pendakur, Pacific Policy & planning Associates, pendakur at interchange.ubc.ca

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