[liberationtech] Drone Summit: Killing and Spying by Remote Control

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Tue Apr 24 18:11:23 PDT 2012

Maybe some of you are going to this?  It would be great to get an update….

From: Just Foreign Policy

> Drone Summit: Killing and Spying by Remote Control
> The peace group CODEPINK and the legal advocacy organizations Reprieve and the Center for Constitutional Rights are hosting the first International Drone Summit. On Saturday, April 28, we are bringing together human rights advocates, robotics technology experts, lawyers, journalists and activists for a summit to inform the American public about the widespread and rapidly expanding deployment of both lethal and surveillance drones, including drone use in the United States. Participants will also have the opportunity to listen to the personal stories of Pakistani drone-strike victims.
> https://codepink.salsalabs.com/o/424/donate_page/dronesummit

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

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