[liberationtech] Fwd: Endorsement of civil society statement
Anne Roth
annalist at riseup.net
Fri Apr 20 14:50:56 PDT 2012
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [Imc-africa] Endorsement of civil society statement
Datum: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 12:59:20 -0400
Von: Mallory Knodel <mallory at mayfirst.org>
Included in this message is a statement from civil society organizations
denouncing actions by the US government and a press release issued by
the affected organizations. Please forward to your networks and send
your endorsements to mallory at apc.org before Monday night April 23rd.*
*Progressive internet rights organisations strongly denounce attack on
anonymous online speech by US government*
The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and the following
endorsing organisations strongly denounce recent actions by US Federal
Authorities that threaten a democratic internet, silencing hundreds of
users around the world for the misuse of anonymous internet services by
one person.
This week, three politically-progressive internet service providers and
hundreds of their users were attacked by the US Federal Bureau of
Investigation for supporting the use of the internet by anonymous users.
>From their joint press release:
“On Wednesday, April 18, at approximately 16:00 Eastern Time, U.S.
Federal authorities removed a server from a colocation facility shared
by Riseup Networks and May First/People Link in New York City, a
statement by the service provider reads. The seized server was operated
by the European Counter Network (“ECN”), the oldest independent internet
service provider in Europe, who, among many other things, provided an
anonymous remailer service, Mixmaster, that was the target of an FBI
investigation into the bomb threats against the University of Pittsburgh.”
At this time in history when the internet is under increased
surveillance and control by repressive governments around the world, the
seizure of email servers in New York by FBI agents sends out a clear
signal that democratic governments are ready to arbitrarily circumvent
the rule of law.
Jamie McClelland, director of May First/People Link said, “We cannot
stop malicious anonymous e-mail without also destroying the ability to
use anonymous e-mail for beneficial purposes. According to the news, the
bomb threats continue to arrive at University of Pittsburgh after this
outrageous seizure. There is no positive outcome to this action by the FBI.”
The FBI has effectively shut down service to hundreds of users and their
harsh actions can only be interpreted as threatening to anonymous use of
the internet. “Like other anonymizing services such as the TOR network,
these remailers are widely used to protect the identity of human rights
activists who place themselves and their families in grave danger by
reporting information about abuses, the ISP statement continues.
Remailers are also important for corporate whistle blowers, democracy
activists working under repressive regimes, and others to communicate
vital information that would otherwise go un-reported.”
“Such heavy-handed interventions by governments are a violation of US
communication law and internet rights, as defined by the Internet Rights
Charter, and we call on government leaders to stop these attacks on
civil society and internet users' rights,” stressed APC executive
director, Anriette Esterhuysen.
We stand with May First/People Link, Riseup, and the European Counter
Network against these attacks on users of the internet who depend on
anonymous communication.
If you wish to endorse this statement please send your name and
organisation (if applicable) to mallory at apc.org with “Endorsement” in
the subject line.
Riseup Networks <https://riseup.net/>, Devin Theriot-Orr,
206-708-8740,sunbird at riseup.net <mailto:sunbird at riseup.net>
May First/People Link <https://mayfirst.org/>, Jamie McClelland,
917-509-5734,jm at mayfirst.org <mailto:jm at mayfirst.org>
ECN: Isole Nella Rete,inr at riseup.net <mailto:inr at riseup.net>
On Wednesday, April 18, at approximately 16:00 ET, U.S. Federal
authorities removed a server from a colocation facility shared by Riseup
Networks and May First/People Link in New York City.
The seized server was operated by the European Counter Network (“ECN”),
the oldest independent internet service provider in Europe, who, among
many other things, provided an anonymous remailer service, Mixmaster,
that was the target of an FBI investigation into the bomb threats
against the University of Pittsburgh.
"The company running the facility has confirmed that the server was
removed in conjunction with a search warrant issued by the FBI," said
May First/People Link director Jamie McClelland. "The server seizure is
not only an attack against us, but an attack against all users of the
Internet who depend on anonymous communication."
Disrupted in this seizure were academics, artists, historians, feminist
groups, gay rights groups, community centers, documentation and software
archives and free speech groups. The server included the mailing list
"cyber rights" (the oldest discussion list in Italy to discuss this
topic), a Mexican migrant solidarity group, and other groups working to
support indigenous groups and workers in Latin America, the Caribbean
and Africa. In total, over 300 email accounts, between 50-80 email
lists, and several other websites have been taken off the Internet by
this action. None are alleged to be involved in the anonymous bomb threats.
"The FBI is using a sledgehammer approach, shutting down service to
hundreds of users due to the actions of one anonymous person," said
Devin Theriot-Orr, a spokesperson for Riseup. "This is particularly
misguided because there is unlikely to be any information on the server
regarding the source of the threatening emails."
"We sympathize with the University of Pittsburgh community who have had
to deal with this frightening disruption for weeks. We oppose such
threatening actions. However, taking this server won't stop these bomb
threats. The only effect it has is to also disrupt e-mail and websites
for thousands of unrelated people," continues Mr. Theriot-Orr.
"Furthermore, the network of anonymous remailers that exists is not
harmed by taking this machine. So we cannot help but wonder why such
drastic action was taken when authorities knew that the server contained
no useful information that would help in their investigation."
The FBI purportedly seized the server because it was hosting an
anonymous remailer calledMixmaster <http://mixmaster.sourceforge.net/>.
Anonymous remailers are used to send email anonymously, or
pseudonymously. Like other anonymizing services such as the Tor network,
these remailers are widely used to protect the identity of human rights
activists who place themselves and their families in grave danger by
reporting information about abuses. Remailers are also important for
corporate whistle blowers, democracy activists working under repressive
regimes, and others to communicate vital information that would
otherwise go un-reported.
TheMixmaster <http://mixmaster.sourceforge.net/>software is specifically
designed to make it impossible for anyone to trace the emails. The
system does not record logs of connections, details of who sent
messages, or how they were routed. This is because theMixmaster
<http://mixmaster.sourceforge.net/>network is specifically designed to
resist censorship, and support privacy and anonymity. Unfortunately,
some people misuse the network. However, compared to the rate of
legitimate use, the abuse rate is very low. There is therefore no
legitimate purpose for the FBI to seize this server because they will
not be able to obtain any information about the sender. This is plainly
extrajudicial punishment and an attack on free speech and anonymity on
the internet and serves as a chilling effect on others providers of
anonymous remailers or other anonymous services.
PR in Español <https://mayfirst.org/es/el-fbi-decomiso-un-servidor>
Statement from May First/People Link:
MayFirst/People Link (mayfirst.org) is a politically-progressive
member-run and controlled organization that redefines the concept of
“Internet Service Provider” in a collective and collaborative way. May
First/People Link’s members are organizers and activists who elect a
Leadership Committee to direct the organization. Like a coop, members
pay dues, buy equipment and then share that equipment for websites,
email, email lists, and other Internet purposes.
Riseup Networks (riseup.net) provides online communication tools for
people and groups working on liberatory social change. Riseup creates
democratic alternatives and practices self-determination by controlling
our own secure means of communications.
ECN (European Counter Network – ecn.org) is the oldest independent
service provider in Europe providing free email accounts, mailing lists,
and websites to organizations, activists, and movements that are
involved in human rights, freedom of speech and information in Italy and
Europe. ECN is anti-fascist and works towards a just and equal society.
Years ago, before sites like Youtube and Vimeo existed, ECN created a
platform called NGV where people could upload and share independent
video of human rights violations. Nowadays ECN works primarily with
anti-fascist and anti-Nazi movements in all of Europe, providing space
and resources to political and social centers.
Mallory Knodel
May First/People Link Leadership
...Growing Networks to Build a Just World...
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