[liberationtech] An Arabic Linux distro that corrects "multiple Tor bugs"

Frank Corrigan email at franciscorrigan.com
Thu Apr 19 15:35:13 PDT 2012

Thanks for feedback Susanne , I relied upon google translation to read
the website and thought the references to IWPR seemed low key and did
not state clearly that Virtus was a formal IWPR initiative.

Great to see another LiveCD/USB using Tor.


----- Original message -----
From: Susanne Fischer <susannef at iwpr.net>
To: Frank Corrigan <email at franciscorrigan.com>
Cc: KheOps <kheops at ceops.eu>, liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] An Arabic Linux distro that corrects
"multiple Tor bugs"
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 11:51:35 +0300

Dear all,

no further investigation needed who is behind Cyber Arabs, it is an IWPR
project as we state openly on the website, and yes, we have a Beta
of Virtus on our website. It was developed by one of our team members on
his own initiative, I actually think most of you know him one way or
another, Dlshad Othman.

So I suggest that any questions regarding Virtus you direct to him.

dlshadco at hotmail.com

Susanne Fischer
IWPR Program Manager Middle East

On 19 April 2012 11:40, Frank Corrigan <email at franciscorrigan.com>

> Does it offer much the same as TAILS?
> https://tails.boum.org/contribute/how/translate/#index4h1
> It seems to imply a relationship to the Institute for War and Peace
> Reporting
> http://iwpr.net/
> http://www.cyber-arabs.com/?page_id=2
> With the domain cyber-arabs.com appearing to be registered by Susanne
> Fischer:
> http://www.networksolutions.com/whois-search/cyber-arabs.com
> http://iwpr.net/people/susanne-fischer
> Frank
> ----- Original message -----
> From: KheOps <kheops at ceops.eu>
> To: Liberation Technologies <liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Subject: [liberationtech] An Arabic Linux distro that corrects "multiple
> Tor    bugs"
> Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 09:36:36 +0200
> Hello everyone,
> A Syrian activist came a few hours ago on Telecomix's OpSyria and
> pointed us to what seems to be a new Linux live distro based on Ubuntu,
> apparently designed to provide tools to increase anonymity and privacy:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtuslinux/
> Among others, its creators state that their distro, Virtus, "uses a
> modified version of TOR software. The modified version fixes multiple
> bugs found in the original software by Virtus developers when it was
> used in Syria."
> I don't think anybody has reviewed it yet, but it seems the distro is
> already spreading a bit, which is why I felt useful to post a warning
> here, espescially towards Jacob who might be interested in having a look
> at what can be these "bug fixes".
> Virtus has been designed by what looks like to be a new group called
> "Cyber Arabs" (http://www.cyber-arabs.com/). They have a Twitter account
> (@Cyber_Arabs), with which they already promoted the use of OTR, SSH
> proxies in YouTube videos and linked to several EFF articles regarding
> RAT malware used in Syria. I tend to think that their intentions are
> rather good, although their knowledge may appear - for now - a bit
> clumsy.
> I'd be glad to get any advice/feedback on this :)
> Cheers,
> KheOps
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Best regards,
Susanne Fischer

Susanne Fischer
Middle East Programme Manager
susannef at iwpr.net
mobile +961 70 211 219

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