[liberationtech] Iraq Info Crimes Law / RightsCon Rio

Brett Solomon brett at accessnow.org
Mon Apr 16 14:19:08 PDT 2012

Dear friends,

Please find a protest letter and Access report on the latest (horrendous)
Iraqi Information Technology Crimes Law signed by 44 international and
regional organizations (in Arabic and English):


A good piece in the Economist on the Report and the Bill is
Letters, press releases etc are going out today to the Iraqi, US govts and
others today.

*Also RightsCon Rio* is coming up (May 31-June 1) - the sequel to the
Silicon Valley Human Rights Conference in Rio de Janeiro. Those on the
Libtech list are invited to the event - and we have *some free passes*!

Register here now at www.rightscon.org/rio <http://www.rightscon.org/rio>

Here is a (free) promotional code: RioLibtech (enter above the *Order

On the sideline of RightsCon Rio, there will also be two side events
including a pre-conference workshop for local activists hosted by the
Guardian Project on issues surrounding mobile privacy, security, and
safety; and a human rights hackathon co-sponsored by the Tor Project and
the New America Foundation’s Open Internet Tools Project.

Hope to see a bunch of you in Stockholm!

Brett Solomon
Executive Director | Access
accessnow.org | rightscon.org
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