[liberationtech] in anticipation of Stockholm Internet Forum...
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
lists at infosecurity.ch
Sat Apr 14 15:11:13 PDT 2012
On 4/14/12 6:43 PM, Stefan Geens wrote:
>> I'm almost certain that the FRA law specifically allows the Sapo
>> (Säkerhetspolisen) to grab everything.
>> All the best,
>> Jake
> I thought so too, until I read the law and the legal analysis around it while researching the article.
My question is:
Are there some international world-wide study on the different laws,
procedures and authorized entities to carry on surveillance in any state?
For example, it would be nice to know in each state:
- Who can ask for monitoring of telecommunication, with which kind of
authorization and for how long
- Which kind of monitoring activities are regulated by law, which are
not (for example phone calls may be specifically regulated but not chat)
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