[liberationtech] Cyber Conflict History Contest

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Apr 14 14:57:35 PDT 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karl Grindal <karl at cyberconflict.org>
Date: Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 8:20 AM


The Cyber Conflict Studies Association (CCSA), has partnered with AFCEA
International and the Atlantic Council to create a contest for the best
case studies in cyber conflict history. The contest comprises three entrant
categories: university students, military service members and
professionals, with six prizes of up to $1,000 to be awarded for the best
submissions.  The deadline for submitting topics for the contest is Monday,
April 15th by midnight, but the deadline for submitting final papers is not
until June 1, 2012.

Entries that meet editorial criteria will be considered for inclusion in
future CCSA journals or an upcoming Comprehensive History of Cyber Conflict
publication. Authors of the winning papers automatically will be considered
for an internship or employment at the Atlantic Council or the CCSA.
Winners will also be invited to accept their awards at an AFCEA led award
ceremony. Additional information about the competition, including the list
of case studies and complete competition rules, can be found - http://www.
afcea.org/events/cyberessay.asp Please direct all further questions on the
content to Karl Grindal, CCSA writing competition project manager, at
karl at cyberconflict.org.

Thanks you!

Please feel free to email me directly,

-Karl Grindal
Karl Grindal
CCSA History, Project Manage
Cell: 952-250-7466
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