[liberationtech] hello

Monique Doppert mdoppert at hivos.nl
Fri Apr 13 08:07:44 PDT 2012

Hi everyone,
Just a quick note to let you know I have been lurking for a few weeks and it is about time to introduce myself properly. I work with much pleasure for the ict/media team of Hivos, a Dutch development agency. The key words of the ict/media programme are ict’s, digital media and citizen journalism. Hivos works worldwide and my focus area is West Asia.
Please drop me a line if you are interested in more details. So far I enjoy reading this interesting  list due to you, knowledgeable and well connected people. Of course ;-)
Will definitely contribute in the near future whenever relevant.
Have a nice weekend!

Monique Doppert

Hivos | Raamweg 16 | 2596 HL | Den Haag | The Netherlands 
T + 31(0)70 376 55 00

Hivos is member of Alliance 2015 

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