[liberationtech] Iran To Shut Down Internet Permanently

Walid AL-SAQAF <alkasir admin> admin at alkasir.com
Tue Apr 10 03:45:09 PDT 2012

Hi Amin,

I agree with you on the use of the word 'permanently'. That is a fully
loaded word that ought have not been used in a journalistic article seeking
objectivity. However, upon reaching out to the author of that IBT story,
Amrutha Gayathri, he stood by his article and explained:

I referred to Taghipour’s statement published on April 5 in Kaleme.com
> which discussed about the final phase of National Intranet.
> khabarnegaran.info too published a similar statement on Mar. 25.
> Iran has been intermittently blocking external sites including Google and
> Yahoo:  http://en.rsf.org/internet-enemie-iran,39777.html and
> http://advocacy.globalvoicesonline.org/2012/01/04/will-iran-soon-have-its-own-clean-internet/
> The plan is yet to be implemented and experts say that this may not be
> feasible due to the complications it can cause to Iranian establishments.
> Also, I have mentioned in my article that external sites will *still be
> available*. “Foreign sites can still be accessed over the Intranet
> provided they are mentioned in a "white list" set up by the government.” So
> technically Internet will still be there. However Iran is definitely
> planning on a censoring the free Internet as it already has. It will be
> like a censored “corporate internet” as I have mentioned in my story.
> Though Iran has denied it they are still going ahead with the plan to
> establish national Intranet, the denial is only regarding how comprehensive
> the censorship is going to be.
> Hope this clears

I did inform him however that the title may be misleading.




Walid Al-Saqaf
Founder & Administrator
alkasir for mapping and circumventing cyber censorship
https://alkasir.com <walid.al-saqaf at oru.se>

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Amin Sabeti <aminsabeti at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ilf,
> This was April fools' day from last year (2011) and it recycled again by
> one of news website in Iran this year! Iranian government cannot disconnect
> users PERMANENTLY from Internet because they don't have enough
> infrastructure and also there is a huge business on Internet (especially
> for pro-government websites) which means they need WWW.
> BTW, this is a another myth like Haystack that media have created it and
> Iran can cut off Internet in short term but it's not possible for long term
> or permanently.
> Cheers,
> Amin
> On 10 April 2012 11:06, ilf <ilf at zeromail.org> wrote:
>> http://img.ibtimes.com/www/**articles/20120409/325415_iran-**
>> internet-intranet-censorhip-**freedom-tehran-google.htm<http://img.ibtimes.com/www/articles/20120409/325415_iran-internet-intranet-censorhip-freedom-tehran-google.htm>
>>  Millions of Internet users in Iran will be permanently denied access to
>>> the World Wide Web and cut off from popular social networking sites and
>>> email services, as the government has announced its plans to establish a
>>> national Intranet within five months.
>>> In a statement released Thursday, Reza Taghipour, the Iranian minister
>>> for Information and Communications Technology, announced the setting up of
>>> a national Intranet and the effective blockage of services like Google,
>>> Gmail, Google Plus, Yahoo and Hotmail, in line with Iran's plan for a
>>> "clean Internet."
>>> The government is set to roll out the first phase of the project in May,
>>> following which Google, Hotmail and Yahoo services will be blocked and
>>> replaced with government Intranet services like Iran Mail and Iran Search
>>> Engine. At this stage, however, the World Wide Web, apart from the
>>> aforementioned sites, will still be accessible.
>> However, here Iran denies reports internet to be cut soon:
>> http://english.alarabiya.net/**articles/2012/04/10/206685.**html<http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/04/10/206685.html>
>>  The reports derived from a supposed interview with Communications
>>> Minister Reza Taghipour published on April 1 that was in fact a hoax, the
>>> ministry said in the statement on its own site www.ict.gov.ir -- which
>>> itself was not accessible outside of Iran.
>> Anyone have more details?
>> --
>> ilf
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