[liberationtech] New OpenIDEO Challenge: How can technology help people working to uphold human rights in the face of unlawful detention?
Yishay Mor
yishaym at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 17:05:44 PDT 2011
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From: OpenIDEO <hello at openideo.com>
Date: 28 September 2011 23:01
Subject: Share Your Inspiration for our New OpenIDEO Challenge
To: yishaym at gmail.com
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How can technology help people working to uphold human rights in the face
of unlawful detention?
OpenIDEO has partnered with Amnesty International to challenge all of us to
up with ways to use technology to support those held in or at risk of secret
incommunicado detention or detention without trial - human rights abuses
often imposed in the name of countering terrorism or national security.
Imagine you were arrested and detained indefinitely without being told the
accusations against you. What if you were taken and held in a secret
location, and denied contact with your family or a lawyer? Addressing the
factors that allow such human rights violations to happen can be complex. *But
there are ways that we, as the OpenIDEO community, can help.*
Join in now
kick off the Inspiration phase so that we can explore and learn about the
issues surrounding this challenge. With such an important topic, our goal is
to keep the conversation optimistic, solution-focused and
We're certain that, together, we can design solutions to support communities
affected by unlawful detention. Have friends, classmates or colleagues who'd
like to get involved in this challenge? Share this email with them – because
creative collaboration loves company!
The OpenIDEO Team
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