[liberationtech] Bogus mail, allegedly from Tom Hayden
Uncle Zzzen
unclezzzen at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 12:27:40 PDT 2011
Thanks to Nathan and Steve for explaining to me that this is one of
many domains used by constantcontact to track recipients.
It's a shame that activists with pure intentions use such intrusive services.
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 1:52 AM, Uncle Zzzen <unclezzzen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Got a message (see below), with links to a bogus links to r20.rs6.net
> Don't see how this could be legit.
> Does anybody know more about this domain or got mail containing links
> going there?
> ---------------------->8-------------
> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 13:56:57 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Tom Hayden <contacthayden at gmail.com>
> Subject: No U.S. Escalation in Pakistan: A Petition for Diplomacy Now!
> Having trouble viewing this email?
> Click here
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> September 28, 2011
> Issue 62
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Published by Tom Hayden, The Peace Exchange Bulletin is a
> reader-supported journal, critically following the Pentagon's Long War
> in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, as well as the failed U.S. wars on
> drugs and gangs, and U.S. military responses to nationalism and
> poverty around the world.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dear Readers,
> Thanks to your feedback, we're introducing a fresh new look to The
> Bulletin, making it easier to access the articles and find exactly what
> you're looking for.
> As always, your comments and thoughts are appreciated. Please stay
> tuned for more improvements to our website.
> Sincerely,
> Tom Hayden
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> No U.S. Escalation in Pakistan
> A Petition for Diplomacy Now!
> An unmanned US Predator drone. (AFP, Bonny Schoonakker)
> We, the undersigned, urge President Obama to keep his June 20, 2009
> promise that "we have no intention of sending United States troops
> into Pakistan."
> We oppose the looming threat of US cross-border raids into Pakistan,
> as well as the continued escalation of drone strikes. Peace cannot be
> won by lopsided Western military intervention, but only by negotiated
> compromise and regional diplomacy. As Pakistani journalist Zahid
> Hussain concludes, "a political settlement is the only endgame."
> As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan gradually wind down, now is the
> time to de-escalate the US war in Pakistan and adopt a diplomatic
> exit strategy.
> Instead, the US is on the verge of sending ground troops into Pakistan
> as well as escalating its aerial drone attacks.
> We call for bipartisan Congressional hearings to recommend a Pakistan
> peace strategy to the administration.
> Continue reading and sign the petition...
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbqzr2Q7M9goOUaISwF2E5vHcuiHQOLTpxBuOf4ZQXvpUz_dkIkyyvk_8P_QSek2c_lMZJAQMzHePj4RPofa5XEEQda89QtIn9o1uLJbVKPBdPn65mYc0H_QZxP6QABScBM1g8J0vFf7BjiCfigsOkBN5mSpJpTl6Kv5EbD3DtHI4A==]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> An Expanding War in Pakistan
> 270 Drone Strikes and Counting
> U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan, 2004-2011. (New America Foundation)
> Slowly but surely, the United States is creeping deeper and deeper
> into a disastrous war in Pakistan. The peace movement and its
> political and media allies need to be ready. There is a growing
> community of activists and journalists already protesting and
> documenting the aerial drone wars over Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq,
> Yemen, Somalia, and Libya. But the debate about drones cannot be
> isolated from the context of their use in the Long War as a substitute
> for American ground troops and in response to peace pressure from the
> American public.
> The peace movement could lose the debate if drones are seen in purely
> moral or economic terms, or as a loss of democratic transparency,
> important though these perspectives may be. The fact is, however, that
> the use of drones will endanger American lives and security as they
> inevitably provoke violent counter-attacks, such as those of December
> 25, 2009 (Detroit Metro Airport), February 2010 (guilty pleas in New
> York subway bombing plot), and May 1, 2010 (Times Square). The US
> already has a secret contingency plan to strike at 150 sites, nearly
> all in Pakistan, if another incident occurs that is traceable to any
> Pakistani source. Continue reading...
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbp1UJECJtiNCVFIeyPZTYNnXLNMBa7JkucWLX4U-hbAU6v8JEw9BA_rlrnXpQjJmo0TdvPF8nxwsEr3x_pWP_m9D0i5yNjUbZyxAEScJ7M5bIVGA_1ngrmugVVvMzzTuDYK6E_dcg5KmV9rriq1wAEQOFyKkurc4lU=]
> In This Issue
> Petition: No U.S. Escalation in Pakistan
> An Expanding War in Pakistan
> Getting Afghanistan Straight
> Debating J Street
> War and Financial Crisis
> Going Through Withdrawals
> Obama: End the Wars, Tax the Rich
> Direct Action Campaign
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Support the PJRC!
> For a limited time, make your tax-deductible donation
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbpICDaqql9DUa5SMaNSdjxwV2kZhRFSU8cPqwBXgDAoIEurv-Lfyq7rRj_qndsnewVIH8wmlsUNxgwERHn1WV9P-sC6EBOj8OLsbSngQVP13YV8lTtYbHtC]
> of $10 or more to the Peace and Justice Resource Center and receive a
> signed copy of Ending the War in Iraq
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbrs3JxDlt1MwIBJWUFZwllpUv9-W4_wuQtZLWgDv3W3SiTsmFvpvLUSJr_mnjmjObHuTEhZsvmz_FpOkzUtWc2XS_3TSE4sNOnK2gYuEXJulfrApr7B61y4ge3dS79eHTk=]
> by Tom Hayden! Our Price: $10 List Price: $15
> S & H: Free!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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> About Us
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> Cost of War
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSborcmWupcJ7P5SSlcAfLSIiJLfhgU2WQ4huFCC4AE1_hw3GfdebkBbdxZF3jWvAANV1xpbeMKbbJPe6vdzPrEcOB3GLBU-VXIrgr0OFfER_sA==]
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> tomhayden.com
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbrq_u2FmzAiOEPxq6X-bYrTPf9d7MQ-nRT80LXil2D1R3LRVZJrKv3P4syYvmVUNJQj4FlncTHN3i4au7HrQNs8mmgGifnjiIh2Fp6m447gbg==]
> Rethink Afghanistan
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSboRSIJJR6mFn5hwUFEQHsBBXTkt9fGG51GZup8AdqgdiUHvbiv6JzmOwGSY2go64KD1gzOfwJqzgnc6XdMq0Ii5dRfWWlDMEcSJt5E-Mlz8egFEvEcN-ohPXaihJWX9wams3lnfK_MZHw==]
> Tom at
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbrJcFAw4FSMyz4fEu8Evwr_Lt02UtYav4pC2KXN2WS0SY-Y_YlDbcif9q0QknGLyj5aHZAHMAe6RTMApX4DILsbU-Lc2cvQRquVvGtKVgPWEgmDT8tmXVd8fhzJDBBSOMBostIXsCpexg==]The
> Nation
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbrJcFAw4FSMyz4fEu8Evwr_Lt02UtYav4pC2KXN2WS0SY-Y_YlDbcif9q0QknGLyj5aHZAHMAe6RTMApX4DILsbU-Lc2cvQRquVvGtKVgPWEgmDT8tmXVd8fhzJDBBSOMBostIXsCpexg==]
> Tom at
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbpGorImviOPQ-g-a-R639DNOLmbPTQ7KdOzNqbPVJKUYgS2i01WjDf3S_w2IdhSU41DNUjMQOF2N3CJoQkXpVR3arenfJwmbNoXxGqBWvSMxi9F4JNfKVoLYBC1wfQCOqE=]The
> Huffington Post
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbpGorImviOPQ-g-a-R639DNOLmbPTQ7KdOzNqbPVJKUYgS2i01WjDf3S_w2IdhSU41DNUjMQOF2N3CJoQkXpVR3arenfJwmbNoXxGqBWvSMxi9F4JNfKVoLYBC1wfQCOqE=]
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> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Join Our Mailing List!
> [http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1102686599266]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The United States and Torture
> By Marjorie Cohn
> A detailed overview from NYU Press,The United States and Torture
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbpuF_6fnyFviekumP8aes22EsYLkxQcWK5Z8jOP2KlDBMgX9OUf70QfPAmyUEjAWtqxyfZM28axS3m28pG5Y6FjqqKH70KIkcO26rJm6-53ae2pCgZsroonenFw8dAzWsH56Gtt4JGB8vyI4xzqkLn_roKl6s2Zgx4=]
> by Marjorie Cohn is one of the few works linking torture abroad with
> the techniques exposed in American prisons and police departments.
> "With hopes we can bring the torture team to justice," says Cohn, now
> a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, in San Diego.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Getting Afghanistan Straight
> US is Intervening in Civil War
> Map of Afghan Ethnicities
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbqzc6dQcjLJry_82IFWotZ-6dqZFSsZOINbmxRPfJISqsVY3KKte9oSaRrwRUilQZc8zp_t8ywltyGeQpE7R09egOR6i85TeFzkNp3LCzAer_yOFMVBMHGenNd1FGsxd8xsl75V4CzEx6J0EU9aOcWibPTwpQCm6jhYvNHDujy0ysZriUh8yykpwnhjYnFjHhqWtnIaz6ICpr4QMUcOx_S-22bZBYSgXTd7oPCfsQ-LVA==]
> Map of Afghan Ethnicities (Congressional Research Service)
> The mainstream media has defaulted by its failure to report
> Afghanistan as basically a civil war in which the US and NATO are
> intervening powers, cloaking their operations under the cover of the
> United Nations Assistance Program.
> The danger of escalating civil war - perhaps prompting calls for
> further Western intervention - is the crucial context for
> understanding the latest crisis, the September 20 assassination of
> Afghanistan's former president and chief diplomat in charge of stalled
> peace talks, Burhanuddin Rabbani.
> Continue reading...
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbrPN9FowNFHQYMtrF0rha_E_uO18NINDLffOwPgdfWfMeReaV8Ur5ZfvaaM1xQ54_CuFAw48_SmWcfy6yYIk3D4yByIaI3v3gh6-asdf3b8463Q-aOsUWtxuZKyvUiUPkjrLmUnnIecMXnVTTaKq3gERMu6FiydS6Ma8uN9NTpdouAWUQD6GakTrLGoe-ODmdE=]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Debating J Street
> The Palestinian UN Bid
> "There is a reason the Palestinians are pursuing their interests at
> the United Nations. They recognize that there is an impatience with
> the peace process, or the absence of one, not just in the Arab world,
> in Latin America, in Asia and in Europe."
> - President Barack Obama, speech to the American Israel Public Affairs
> Committee (AIPAC), May 22, 2011
> In lobbying to block the Obama administration from supporting UN
> recognition of a Palestinian state, AIPAC and the so-called Israel
> Lobby may have sidelined the US as the world moves forward anyway. It
> is too early to predict, but the Arab bloc, Turkey, most Latin
> American governments and several major European states are poised to
> endorse the Palestinian bid.
> Continue reading...
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbrrdMEKwjd3UVuXnWyme7P14YvRMiA8sboCL1dn2FlndpysmV2vQ57oDoETRlYTaU3iyWqK1pWh0p2sYoxHPeFkg5EC3avd3CVrai2aDgI4FrbKV31adribo96WAV7Lw7bAgkAjvExkujjjD8jbbv0MbvmpiHPbk8EPfiTHz1we7Q==]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> War and Financial Crisis
> Linda Bilmes & Joseph Stiglitz in the LA Times
> Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz have added a key link to the current
> debt crisis in their continuing criticism
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbpAzB5d4E8vbTGuKoNO4Edu_AVtXBSsrAYlYHFHPw167skqfvlryWqhuVg0xZuMERbDlRwILatYYRTBw2deuvRPrFFY1V7y3_uYAJ_A7SUBLBKGy_pZfhEN]
> of the costs of war. See their analysis in the Los Angeles Times on
> September 18.
> Continue reading...
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbqS94MnRG-tDZ2SUkV4i9oxkLjrGADXrskMh3g18FN4lPD0K10vqohDSAak-5sjBd-dMDbONetlwU_syDgEQJQV3HEbG1K7LFXY2gvz0oD0rm-iL3wuxcLoI6RQq1hSW7-mVd0R521cQ5-VVwFen-K5QonSeaOjyCO7ov3KdTTYVhD7xqN8uW9Gihde14ioYTU=]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Going Through Withdrawals
> Jonesing in Afghanistan and Iraq
> A US soldier observes a bombing strike during a firefight in Kunar
> Province. (Erik De Castro/Reuters)
> American combat in Iraq and Afghanistan is ending. Not that flare-ups,
> implosions and dramas aren't ahead. Not that blood won't be spilled.
> Not that drones won't attack from the skies of Pakistan, Yemen,
> Somalia and beyond. Not that secret ops won't happen, or American
> advisers won't be embedded in obscure places.
> But the will, the force, and the momentum sustaining American combat
> troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are in definite decline as President
> Obama orders the pullout of 33,000 troops from Afghanistan and ponders
> whether to leave a minimal force of 3-4,000 in Iraq.
> Continue reading...
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbow16U5z5kH0tH5qrAhZ4T5eLor4kuxYiZhdhyueQs61uUKYNk6kqbiO08X33dBUcoo-mE85t3PlxO8qdEIHsBAlFQs1tXTRqYMPo95Dl9ShKkdq2Bepw6rOwpZFqsOBmv554jsWJTOizXSRkmucD589YaA5oNDJpk46hUsLkySBUMxcbfSCUD1]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> End the Wars, Tax the Rich
> President Obama is framing the deficit debate around two core
> initiatives, winding down the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and allowing
> the Bush tax cuts to expire.
> Both approaches are within Obama's executive power to carry out,
> independent of the Tea Party, corporate Democrats or Congress factions.
> Continue reading...
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbr1nQMzBmUfNEwDLA-S7OxOBejVn09xpDLHAVhafXOtj6ituYat9Cuy3lD4yfql8qiBVl3S_pb7R-dqtWDihoG-3_FbdEOE-eZWkP_mm7V-OlIUS1xMVGbctu5JuLXiDB1nplNDA1gs6RHwP3jH1_Y4g21RydVXYAk=]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Direct Action Campaign
> Beginning October 6
> New York police already are harassing, arresting, and pepper-spraying
> non-violent peace and justice protesters as they begin to occupy
> public squares in Washington and around the country. Thousands are
> expected to be arrested. For information on the campaign, please visit
> October 2011
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbpz_OXTZri_0T-1qJe3TrhmS3xAdeLJ62FNTMVn0LFJlrkoLpKOodvdKu-75Fq3L76tYbMsKITNGTuU5AtkGdNsCZofvrVDzL18sE99v6qTzg==].
> For PJRC analysis of police actions against street protests, please
> read, "New FBI Raids: Millions More in Taxes, But Where's the Threat?
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbq8qTlJNTTnncTNIdU_w--E-D39R3mAs8efCvUBnIAfJKRxGNIe7zt6xRPrzOY3x2rtehIfe6NZVkk94XVBBTQd90Ji7UxYeXDZ8m6UxUToT9qzJLIBOsWYtKh3mkWCjxiIPJQSbt6PCn6q3EIUFN8e5VA94ZQPXjpWmZWKU111DKGr4_hn06eI8EeRPyEXRgw=]"
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Become a Sustaining Member Today!
> Published in The Nation,Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, San Francisco
> Chronicle, Harvard International Review,Chronicle of Higher Education,
> and dozens of weekly alternatives, Tom Hayden's op-ed articles and The
> Peace Exchange Bulletin are widely read by national security experts,
> correspondents, staffers, and progressives on Capitol Hill.
> Take advantage of our limited time offer and help ensure this
> alternative voice to the mainstream media. Make your contribution of
> $10 or more and receive a signed copy of Ending the War in Iraq
> [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=cdo7t5cab&et=1107014613264&s=11146&e=0012E-xPXEmSbpICDaqql9DUa5SMaNSdjxwV2kZhRFSU8cPqwBXgDAoIEurv-Lfyq7rRj_qndsnewVIH8wmlsUNxgwERHn1WV9P-sC6EBOj8OLsbSngQVP13YV8lTtYbHtC]
> by Tom Hayden! Mail your tax-deductible donations to:
> Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE Inc.)
> 22231 Mulholland Highway, Ste. 209
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> Entrepreneures (SEE Inc.), a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Phone: (818)
> 225-9150
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The Official Tom Hayden Site and The Peace Exchange Bulletin, 2011.
> All rights reserved.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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