[liberationtech] 2012 Pizzigati Prize Now Open

Ken Banks ken.banks at kiwanja.net
Fri Sep 23 01:17:09 PDT 2011

The Tides Foundation is now accepting nominations for this year’s Pizzigati Prize. The Antonio Pizzigati Prize for Software in the Public Interest annually awards a $10,000 cash grant to one individual who has created or led an effort to create an open source software product of significant value to the nonprofit sector and movements for social change.

The 2012 winner will be announced in April at the Nonprofit Technology Network annual conference in San Francisco. Each year, starting in 2006, the Pizzigati Prize has accepted nominations for talented and creative individuals who develop open source software products that demonstrate impressive value to the nonprofit sector. Tides welcomes nominations from both developers and the nonprofits who work with them.

For further details see the attached Press Release, or the Prize website at http://www.tides.org/impact/awards-prizes/pizzigati-prize/

Please enter, nominate or share as appropriate.



Ken Banks
Founder, kiwanja.net and FrontlineSMS
Tech Awards Laureate 2009
National Geographic Emerging Explorer 2010

"Where technology meets anthropology, conservation and development"

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kiwanja


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