[liberationtech] Tenure Track Position: Clinical Professor of Law to direct Media Law Clinic at Yale Law School

Nabiha Syed nabiha.syed at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 11:46:22 PDT 2011

As a co-founder of Yale's Media Clinic, I have to emphasize how wonderful of
a place it is to work! (I'm entirely impartial, of course.) But I really
would encourage anyone interested in the clinic to apply -- and feel free to
get in touch with me if you'd like more of an understanding of the type of
work they've done.


Nabiha Syed
First Amendment Fellow
The New York Times Company
620 8th Avenue
New York, NY  10018
Email: nabiha.syed at nytimes.com
Ph: 212-556-5187

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Jeff Wishnie <jeff at wishnie.org> wrote:

>  Yale Law School is establishing a clinic on *First Amendment, Media
> Freedom and Information Access issues*.
> Please see below for the position listing.
> Please see the end of the message for information on how to express
> interest.
> best,
> Jeff Wishnie
> ——————————-
> Tenure Track Position: Clinical Professor of Law to direct Media Law Clinic
> at Yale Law School
> Basic Description
> Yale Law School invites applications for a clinical professor of law to run
> a clinic on First Amendment, Media Freedom and Information Access issues at
> Yale Law School.
> The clinical professor will work with Yale's Information Society Project
> (ISP) on media and information policy issues.
> The professorship will be a tenure-track position with the potential of
> clinical tenure.
> Nature of Position
> (1) The clinical professor will run the law school's Media Freedom and
> Information Access clinic.
> The clinical professor will manage litigation, teach, and supervise
> students in the clinic. The clinical professor will also coordinate the
> clinic's relationships with supervising attorneys with whom students may
> cooperate. Yale's Media Freedom and Information Access clinic will accept
> cases on issues related to both old and new media, in areas including
> freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of information,
> telecommunications, intellectual property, privacy, and Internet law. The
> clinical professor will be expected to develop and expand the clinic's work
> through important litigation that promotes media freedom and information
> access.  The clinical professor will be expected to establish and maintain
> the clinic's relationships with other organizations devoted to promoting
> media freedom and information access.
> (2) The clinical professor will be a faculty fellow of the Yale Information
> Society Project (ISP).  Founded in 1997, ISP is an interdisciplinary center
> that studies the implications of new information technologies for law and
> society, committed to the goals of democracy, development and civil
> liberties. As part of ISP, the clinical professor will work with ISP fellows
> on policy issues concerning Internet, telecommunications, and media law.
>  The clinical professor will publish scholarship and oversee scholarship by
> ISP fellows and students on these and related issues.  The clinical
> professor will also work with the fellows and students of the ISP in their
> amicus practice.
> (3) In addition to directing the media freedom clinic, the clinical
> professor may also teach courses in the law school on media, Internet law,
> and related issues.
> Basic Requirements
> Applicants should have at least five years' experience in litigation
> concerning the First Amendment and media law-including both old and new
> media-and have broad experience in media and Internet-related issues
> including freedom of information, intellectual property, telecommunications
> and privacy.  Applicants should have outstanding legal writing skills, high
> ethical standards, sound judgment, and the ability to motivate and train law
> students and promote teamwork.
> Additional Requirements
> The Law School seeks applications with strong academic ambitions who can
> help lead a program in media law and information policy at Yale that
> contains both litigation and policy components.
> Highly desirable attributes that the appointments committee will consider
> include:
> (1) Prior law school teaching experience.
> (2) A track record of previous publications in media law, information
> policy, intellectual property, telecommunications, and privacy and related
> fields, and a demonstrated commitment to scholarship.
> (3) A working knowledge of first amendment, media law, journalism, Internet
> law, and information policy organizations with which the clinic and the ISP
> might partner.
> Interested candidates should sent a cover letter and c.v. to Beth Barnes
> at beth.barnes at yale.edu.
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